Lifesaving Wordsprints

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You need that little extra motivation for you to write your story. You've been very lazy recently and can't seem to want to put your pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard.

Sometimes, you have a particularly boring part of your story to write that you know is necessary, but you just can't seem to want to sit down and put in the effort to do it.

Then you come across something that almost like magic gives you that extra shove you need to put the peddle to the metal (sorta speak) and just write those words. Something called a Word War. The beauty of the Word War is something that is so simple yet so effective. It gives you a specific time that you and some others to write in and you all do it. Then, at the end of that time you get to announce the number of words that you wrote and finally feel accomplished for once.

During these word sprints you get to let yourself forget about writing in perfect grammar and having all the specific punctuations and just let your fingers fly. It is a way to force yourself into a state of I am going to write no matter what and no matter how it comes out.

I only recently stumbled upon this incredible witchery and found out just how much I could get written down in such little time! It is like God came down from the heavens and blessed me so that I could write with a fervor that I don't normally possess. During these word sprints I forget about mundane things such as the need to go to the bathroom or needing to have a drink of water or the excuse that there is something else that I should be doing.

Word Wars are a beautiful way to let go of all your excuses that you have and just chug write along through your story. It also helps that you get to know that you are not alone in what your doing. While you are struggling to get words down so are many others. While you are making the effort so are other people. It is the power of sharing that keeps you going.

I wish I could find the amazing person that came up with this idea so that I could give them a great big hug and a kiss on the cheek for their ingenuity. It is forward thinkers such as whoever came up with word sprints that help to make the world go round and be productive.

I can't stress enough how much I love the idea of word sprints and its usefulness. The way that it gives me the strength to be incredibly productive and get through the tough times in my stories. Word sprints are going to become a very important part of what I do so that I just sit down and write my stories.

Writing sprints help me to show up and type away so that I can continue to express myself through the writing that I love.
Love word sprints, take things one step at a time, and be amazing.
Thank you all for reading!
I love yah!

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