Genre Hopping

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Sometimes you want to write romance, sometimes fantasy, or even horror. You just can't stick to one type. You can come up with a story for any of them with ease. There is just this comfortable flow that you find in yourself that carries inside you no matter what you may be writing.

A lot of the time you don't seem to understand it. Most of the writers that you have read stories from usually write in only one specific genre or maybe two or three, but you, you feel as though you could write stories for maybe five or even more.

It is like a wonderful phenomenon that you love about yourself. You could never imagine writing in any single genre for the rest of your writing carrier. That would end up being boring and monotonous.

You like to read in many genres and watch TV in all types as well so why not write your stories in them as well? You feels as though you are the writer you dictate what you write so why not write all sorts of stories.

This is one predicament that I find myself in. I have written parts of stories that have been written in all sorts of genres and they just keep coming. Right now I have around fifteen different ideas. One of them is a historical fiction, another is horror, another is teen fiction, then I have one that is fantasy, I also have some parts for a poetry book. One genre for a book I have is non-fiction. Which is "shocker" the one that you are reading now.

My thoughts tend to be spastic and always different so it makes sense to me that I have the tendency to write in a variety of different genres. I love that I am able to come up with so many ideas for so many different genres.

I believe that the world is too cultured and beautiful to be limited to be conformed to one species or form of being so why should my genres be all the same?

Writing is the product of whatever you want it to be. I like that.

There are as many genres as there are types of sodas. Do you like only one specific brand of soda? I know that I don't. I also don't like one specific genre over the other. So I feel comfortable in writing in any that I desire.

Writing is such a fun task and no matter what story I write in whatever genre I write it in I know that I will always love it.


Love uniqueness, be different, write what you love no matter what.

Thank you for reading! I would be nowhere without you all!

I love you all!


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