The Definition of a Good Book

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Not only do you want to write, but you want to make sure that what you write is worth reading. That your story is indeed a good one. Not just a good story, a great story, a fantastic one! You want to make sure that you write a story that will appeal to as many people as possible. However, every single human being on this earth has their own definition on what makes a good book good.

You may think that a good book has a lot of great dialogue and is fast paced and action packed without too much description. Someone else might think that a good book has a lot of description to the point where you can imagine the words inside your mind and you become a part of the story to the point where you can see the places that are being described. Another might just think that a good book is one that makes you feel something.

To me a good book is characterized by the message it gives to you. By the emotions it gives. How much you feel for the characters. A good book is one that draws me in and keeps me reading it all the way to the end. A book that takes me through a journey. A good book is one that is unique. A book where you can hear the authors voice. It is a book where it is clear to see the blood, sweat, and tears that the author had to endure to convey their words on the page. A good book makes me want to read it over and over because that is how in love with it I become. A good book gives me satisfaction.

With so many definitions of what makes a good book, how are you supposed to write one to fit all that criteria. The simple answer is you don't. You write a book that makes you happy. A book that you feel is worth reading. It is impossible to make everyone happy and it is destructive for you to think that you are going to write a book that will engage every person that chooses to pick it up. No story on this earth is written without flaws. In a way you can think of a book as a human being. Every person has their flaws and in many ways that is what makes humans unique. Not everyone will accept and come to love your flaws. For books it is no different.

The definition of a good book is whatever you want it to be. So write a book the way you want to write it. Let your story be human. Don't let flaws stop you from making your story as awesome as you want it to be.

Be happy with what you write. As long as you write something that is good to you then that is all that matters.

Love your book, write how you wish to write, and never conform!

Thank you for reading!

I love you!

- Tiana Wolfe (aka. ilovexica)

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