Dedication Vs. Laziness

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I'm at a war with myself. The part of me that wants to take control and write, and the part of me that wants to just lay down and watch YouTube all day. I feel that in theory if in a boxing match we had in one corner dedication and the other laziness that dedication should win every time. That dedication would one two punch laziness in the face and the match would be done for.

However, in my life, that just isn't the case. In my inner body laziness is just that really attractive boxer that dedication can't hope ever to punch, because laziness is just so good looking, you don't ever want to mess with a pretty face. As we all know, a pretty face is just that a pretty face. What makes something worthwhile is not how good it looks on the outside, but the inner strength that shines through.

I dream of that inner strength. That my thoughts would automatically transform into actions that will bring me to where I want to be. Actually taking those actions, is not so easy.

All my life I've seen so many movies of these self-made kids who are super successful and lead these amazing lives, they own businesses, are prodigy singers, pianists, chess players, Olympians, performers in the circus, just amazing kids. Then, I think, I'm graduating, I'm not doing too bad, but, look at them, that could have been me, but what's the difference, I am too lazy to actually take charge and accomplish what I know I can accomplish.

So I sit here, typing, and think, what can I do now? Every opportunity from yesterday is gone. So what is the point. Ohh yeah, I still want to be successful, I still have my dreams, so should I continue to lay down and take it? The answer of course is: No. I have to work hard. That means giving up a lot. Such as, watching too much TV, YouTube (R.I.P Markiplier I'll miss you), games, and the endless amounts of time I spend just looking at random things on the Internet.

Although certain things such as reading, and certain TV shows (mainly anime) that inspire me can still stay. I call that studying. (It counts I swear)

I need to spend more time just hitting that keyboard. Writing, because if it is my dream to write many books and become a published author I got to actually do the work.

A dream is also that just a dream, but you have to take those steps forward in order to achieve it. For the sake of my dreams, I am willing to do the work.

"Dedication, it's ok to go kick laziness out of the arena now, I don't need it anymore." - me

Kick laziness out of your life, don't be afraid to do the work, become who you wish to be.

Thank you so much for reading!

I love you!

-Tiana Wolfe (Ilovexica)

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