There Is Never Enough Time

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Writing takes time. Some books take months to complete. Others take years. There is always something going on in life that roadblocks you from continuing your work. Wither it is school, extracurricular activities, or simply the time you spend watching tv or relaxing to some music. Writing is sometimes one of those things that you simply don't have time for.

Then there are the times that life throws you curveballs leaving you not knowing what you are going to do and the stress of life becomes what takes your time away. Sometimes life becomes so overwhelming that when you make up your mind to try to do some writing exhaustion threatens to pull you away.

Time has become a huge problem when it comes to my writing recently. Being a senior in high school has finally taken its toll. Between, thinking about college, worrying about school work, and all the other random activities I am apart of, writing has been hard to find the time for.

As I write my brain feels as if it is in a daze and I don't know how I can get my fingers to move at all. All that I can think of is how exhausted I am and how wonderful it would be to go lie in my bed and sleep. It sucks so much that I feel that exhaustion, because all I want to do is continue writing. To fill my creative soul with some happiness.

Every single time I decide to go sit my butt at my desk so that I can type away a story for one book or another there is always something that takes me away from it. Half the time I feel lucky that I could write a single sentence.

As I think of the passage of time and how hectic life will be after high school I am further saddened. As an adult there is so much more responsibility and more reason to get tired so I wonder how I will ever make time for writing as an adult.

However frustrated I get, no matter what is going on in my life, I know that my heart belongs to my writing. Even when time is hard to come by I know that I must work harder so that I can write as often as I can no matter how exhausted I may be. No matter what, I will always find time to write.

Otherwise I may lose myself to insanity!

Make time to write, Love those who support you, and Everything will be alright.
Thank you so much for reading!
I love you!
-Tiana Wolfe (a.k.a.ilovexica)

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