Writing In The Shadow Of Greatness

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You pick up a book that ensnares you in its writing from the first sentence. You can't seem to put it down for you have never read a book that was written in such a captivating way before. This book enraptures you. It takes you on a journey like none you have been on before. Then you wonder, how can I write a book that captures the attention of my readers the way that book I just read did?

How could you write something so profound that your readers really stop to think about how your piece of writing affects them. What can you do to improve your writing so that it is up to par with your own expectations?

The answer is this: You write. You write a story that you feel within your soul is going to affect people the way that you want them to be affected. You write your story until you are proud to say that it is one of the best stories that you have ever written. You let that muse inside you spark on fire and keep adding fuel to it so that it never burns out so that you write your story with the same enthusiasm that you began with.

There have been many books that have inspired me to write my stories with as much vigor and zest as possible, but so far none has inspired me to think of the many possibilities of how I choose to write my stories as "Me And Earl And The Dying Girl" by Jesse Andrews. This book is probably the most unconventional books that I have ever read, but also one of the funniest. What inspires me the most about this book however, is not its hilarity or even the content of the story, but how Jesse choose to write it. I had never seen any novel written the way that "Me And Earl And The Dying Girl" was; all I could think of while reading it is how amazing it was that something so cool and so different was published.

It gave me the inspiration to think of new ways to improve my writing and to allow myself the artistic ability to write a book in a more unconventional way. To write a book that makes people think differently about writing and the way that books can be written the way Jesse Andrews's book did for me.

I hope to write a book one day through which you can feel the passion of my work through every letter that you see within the pages. To write something that invokes creativity in  others. Something to lite fires in others hearts.

I hope that I can write something that pierces through the shadow of greatness of the many great writer in the world. Something that shines with its own light that would make it stand with its own strength next to the greatness of others.

Learn from others, Write with your inner light, and Love what makes you unique.
Thank you all so much for being patient with me and continuing to read my story!
I love you all!
-Tiana Wolfe (ilovexica)
p.s. I am so sorry for the lack of consistency in updating! I have been so busy with school and working on other stories at the same time as this one that I have not had the time to update. I will try to get a chapter up once a week, but with my schedule being so hectic I cannot promise that 100%. Again I thank you for reading! Adios!

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