When You Just Can't Access Something to Write On

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You are walking down the street and you see a couple holding hands. Then all of a sudden another man approaches. He takes the women's hand and places a kiss on it. The women smiles and then suddenly remembering the man who's hand she had just been holding. Her face turns to a pale shade of white. An argument commences. You struggle to hear their words, but it simply just isn't possible.

Suddenly it hits you. You can make your own story. The idea takes hold and you start coming up with the characters for the story. Why were they fighting? Who was the man that came and kissed the women's knuckles so lovingly? Why would the man approach the women with another man holding her other hand right next to her?

It starts to brew and brew and you have a story of brilliance forming inside that creative brain of yours. However, you come to realize that you have absolutely no place to write your story down. You can't even write an outline to remember what you want your story to say.

Your hands start to twitch in anxiousness. You need to get down your ideas on paper. Your brain continues to develop the story line. You want to yell at yourself because you don't want to forget a single detail.

Eventually you feel like you are going to beat yourself up because your ideas need to be written.

This is a situation that causes me to want to hyperventilate. That need to put down my story becomes almost maddening. It is truly a writers worst nightmare.

When a story begins to cultivate itself inside my head I start to discover the limits of the story and then try to push those limits. I begin to learn about my characters and their wants and drives. I start to fall in love with them and eventually their stories start to write themselves. There is nothing worse then when the characters you want to create start to disappear simply because you have no access to something to write with.

Lack of place to put your art is like the feeling of having a lack of air. You want to breathe life into your characters and their stories, but with no air your characters start to die. I tend to feel like a mother to my characters. They live because I created them. I give them their personalities, their wants, their world. Without me those characters would never exist.

So when I am unable to give birth to my stories, I feel as hopeless as a mother who had a miscarriage. Those characters whose stories that have been left unwritten are like little babies who never had the chance to see the light of day. To share with the world their stories and even change someones perspective on how they see the world. Not being able to share their stories is a lost chance of being able to have an effect on how someone thinks and feels. Writing gives you a chance to entertain others as well as give them inspiration or make that person feel different.

My stories are a major part of who I am and how I share who I am with the world. When I am unable to do so it kills me like no other thing in the world.

Writing is something that I could never see myself living without.

Love your characters, never give up, and carry a journal
Thank you for reading!!! I love you my darlings <3
-ilovexica ;)
P.S. I should never leave home without a notepad. 😜
-Love yahh bye bye!!!!

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