Finishing a book

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The end is here. My time in high school and being a teenager are over. So with the end of that chapter in my life comes the end of this book. It is strange writing the end of this story. This journal-esque story of my ups and downs with writing. It feels so soon, but at the same time it feels right.

I have never actually finished a book before this one. My teenage writing history goes a little like this:
-some middles
-lots of poems
-a few short stories
..... And many many many ideas.

For now, I'm proud of all that. Plus, I now have my own book in front of me. I never thought that I would be able to say I finished a book before graduating high school.

With finishing this book, I never would have imagined that I would have received any of the support or comments that I got. That I could inspire anyone. That the words I wrote would be meaningful for another human being.

This book will be the beginning of a new hope for me. A hope that I will have many more stories to write in the future.

It is also a testament to the fact that if you put your mind to something you can complete it. All you have to do is work for it.

The end is short, but true. It leaves room for a growth in the future. It is a lesson. It is a guide. It leads to the light of the future.

Fill yourself with love, grow in life, and don't be afraid to write your story.
Much love,
Tiana Wolfe

The End.

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