It's Up to You

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Looking around you, you see that the amount of amazing and talented people are innumerable. So many that it's hard not to question how you fall in the scheme of things. You think to yourself "How could I ever make something work out as well as they have? They are just so talented, amazing, gorgeous, and unique? How could I ever compete on the same stage, the same caliber, as they have?"

In every single aspect of life there will always be competition. People who make everything look so effortless that it comes off as simply raw talent. Sometimes, a person looks like they are so good that being in that same position seems unattainable.

These thoughts need to be banished. Yes, their actual positions are unattainable, but it is up to you to make a place for yourself in this world. It is up to you to make your mark. To succeed in whatever it is that lights a fire in your heart.

If you ever find yourself thinking that you could never do what someone else is doing, create something different, or even pull off that look that you've always wanted to try. Think again.

You can pull off anything that you want to. The trick is making it your own and exuding confidence in the fact that you know what you are doing is right for you. Anything that you want to do is there for you to go out and try. Don't be afraid to take a taste of the possibilities.

You have the tools to be whoever you want to be. Just do it! Push yourself. Don't take short cuts. Give it your all. Your destiny lies ahead of you. It's up to you to take the reigns.

Achieving your dreams is a matter of putting in the work. Don't let the thought of what others are doing stop you from being where you want to be.

Another aspect of this: not knowing where you want to be or what you want to do and how anyone could look so put together having already made a mark on the world. To this I say, "Keep your eyes and heart open."

Who you are and what you are meant to do in this life is up to you, not knowing yet what you want is ok. Keeping an open mind is imperative. Something that you never thought of could be something you are destined for.

Another tip: Listen to those close to you. Sometimes, those who know you best can see an affinity that you have that you did not even realize yourself.

Take control, take time to listen, and do your best!

Thanks for reading!

I love you.

-Tiana Wolfe (Ilovexica)

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