The Only Form of Work You Want to Do

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Writing is one of the most frustrating things in the world you do. It causes you a lot of time and patience. It is also the only thing you want to do. For any other task you would not go to the lengths or the stress to complete. Even when the process wants to bring you to tears you still do it. You do it because it is something that completes you.

Writing is something that feeds your soul. It is something that allows you to share yourself with the world in a permanent way. It is something that you never want to give up.

Writing takes actual work. You have to sit there and type away for hours not knowing if the product is going to come out the way that you wish for it to. Then once you finish you read over it and wonder what you were thinking. Why did you choose to word what you wanted to say the way you did? How could you have missed writing in a major part of your story? Why does it lack so much flow?

No matter the doubts you choose to keep going. To struggle with yourself and your story tell it becomes what you wished for it so desperately to be. You choose to continue. You choose to suffer through it.

That is the beauty of writing and every other form of creation. It is something that is so fulfilling once everything has been said and done that you have to continue with it. It is something that completes the soul. Something that expresses who you are in a way that nothing else could. It is a freedom and a passion that is as frustrating as it is rewarding.

Writing is not something that anyone is forced to do. It is something that is completely up to the author. Something freeing. Something that is absolutely beautiful.

It is something that you have to fall in love with to do and continue doing. You must want it with all of your heart and soul. It is something that requires action and sacrifice. Something that requires emotion.

It truly is the only form of work I want to do. It is the only thing that I do willingly that asks so much from me. The only thing that demands me to continue doing it. I'd rather be writing then do any other form of work.

It is the only form of work that could keep me sane.

Love your work, enjoy everything you do, Listen to your heart that beats inside you.

Thank you for reading!

As always I love you all!


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