To All Writers

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You have probably read more books then you could remember. You probably have read books that resonated with your soul. Books that have caused you to be in awe. Books that you have read over and over because they were just so good. Books that you learn something new about every time you read it. Books that you love.

The amazing thing is all books had to be written. Someone sat down and thought up a world with characters that have fascinated you. Someone that is no different from you. Just an ordinary person. Ordinary yet extraordinary.

Writers come from all sorts of backgrounds and walks of life. Yet every single one of them has a story to tell or better yet stories to tell. Things that need to be written down so that generations to come could read it. Stories that invaded their minds and yelled and screamed at them to be written. Stories that when they were first written were awkward and unpolished. That through the time and care of the writer became amazing examples of the written word.

Writers are truly amazing human beings whom take a lot of time out of their days just hammering out words to construct a story. Writing is never easy. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, and just growing up. Writing is something that requires you to grow as a human being and discover who you are. Writing is intimately connected to your soul. It is an expression of who you are and what you dream of. A lot of the time quite literally what you dream of.

Writing requires you to care about what you write about and to love it. To want to care for it and lead it on its path to becoming the best version of itself. It is carrying out an initial idea and fleshing it out till it becomes this beautiful and unique story. The only way to write a story exactly like another's is through copy and paste. Let your ideas shine and become what they are meant to be.

Good writing isn't a natural diamond in the ruff, but creating a diamond from the ruff. It takes a lot of chiseling and mixing things up, but the ending product is always worth it.

To all writers I want to say that you are all amazing. Being able to be the kind of person that sits themselves down to write something even if it might be terrible at first is such an admirable quality. Every single author out there are such great mentors for me. Those are the people that I want to aspire to be.

I know that the journey is a long one and most certainly a painful one and it is one that I am willing to take.

Love writers, aspire to be great, and appreciate other authors.
I thank everyone for reading!!!
Love you all
p.s. I want to say thank you to all those who have inspired me to write. I also want to say thank you to all those who struggle in your writing, but still manage to make it through. You are all a great inspiration to me and give me the strength to write everyday. I also want to give a special thanks to all my readers so far you are all the best. I love you all. Best wishes! -Tiana

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