When you have more then one story

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Ideas have been popping into your head recently. Lots of them. You have the start for so many stories you are losing track. Do you write about the kickbutt princess who was raised away from the palace or The quiet girl who lives alone in a home all by herself since her parents were killed or even the story of a mermaid who was kidnapped by sailors.

All these ideas become too good to pass up. You begin to have the need to write them all. You start writing about the mermaid and then an idea for the princess story comes up. Then you write fervently about the quiet one which gives you an idea for the mermaid story again.

It Becomes an endless cycle that you can't help but be captured by. It is so easy to allow yourself to get caught in a web of your many many story ideas. They just all seem so good. You want to write all of them. You know that you don't have the time and if you don't concentrate on one of them then the essence of what you want to write could be lost.

At the same time you feel as though if you don't write about all of them you may forget the way you wanted the story to go when you first got that spark. You know that that initial creative period is incredibly important. You know that if you don't get to write a basic outline for your idea with some notes then you'll miss a chance to write a book that you love.

Every idea that comes to you is something that you love. If you didn't love it you wouldn't have thought of it. You know that in a stories infancy you must be able to give it it's proper watering or else it will end up growing awkwardly or even die off.

It is a very difficult thing to have when you don't know what story to write. All those stories are your babies and you want to make sure that they grow and flourish.

I have a very trying problem when it comes to having a lot of story ideas. As of right now I have about 15. I love each and every one of them and I know that the ideas are never going to stop coming.

If I was able to do what I really want to do I would never leave my keyboard. I would make sure that every single of my ideas would give way to a full blown novel. Sadly, I am unable to do so. Not only do I have the sin of laziness against me, but I have school and other things I have to do.

I get mad at myself when I don't sit down and write. While I make school and other important things I have to do as an excuse, I tend to have a lot of free time. Around 4 to 6 hours a day of it! Although I need to use 2 hours or more of it for reading and web surfing or else I will lose my sanity. I imagine that if I did use that time productively many of my story ideas would now be stories. I wouldn't have 15 ideas waiting to be written, but more like 8 or 9.

I would be able to learn some time management so that I could get some work done and more then likely write about more then one idea at a time.

It is a difficult task to write a story. It is made even more difficult when you have more then one idea battling against each other.


Love your ideas, Learn to make time, and just keep moving on!
Thank you all for reading!!
I love you all so much!
p.s. This is long overdo, but Thank you Mk1120 for encouraging me to start writing on Wattpad and to keep going! Your support is always brings a smile on my face! :)

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