When Writing Chronologically Does Not Work

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A lot of times you write and your ideas for a story just do not come to you in a strict beginning to end basis. More often then not your stories come in tidbits and chunks. You think of the best way to end a story when you are barely on the first chapter. Or you get an idea for the middle of a story, but do not yet know what the ending is going to be.

Writing is in no way a linear process. If you think about writing in such a strict context, then you will end up not wanting to write anymore. You might feel sour because you just can't seem to come up with what to write next, but you know what you want to happen in the future of it.

Sometimes you could be at the end of your novel and a brilliant idea comes to you for a part that happened way earlier. Then you sit yourself down and start writing like a mad person just so that you can make sure that the idea doesn't slip away. You know how you wanted it to end and maybe you were in the middle of writing it, but sometimes ideas get in the way of other ideas and you can't write them both at the same time.

I think the spastic way ideas come to writers is an important part of the writing process. It keeps you guessing and allows you to make your story better. It reminds you that you are the headmaster to your would and that there isn't only one way of doing things. That sometimes your best work is just a jumbled mess in your head that will take a while to make sense of where the pieces go.

Remembering that it is ok to write the middle before the end or even the end first is an important for a writer. It helps to remind you that you have time and that you are the one who is sitting your butt down to write this thing and you are going to do it however you dam well please.

In a way just the thought of that frees you to be able to be way more productive in your writing then you ever thought you would be. It allows you to free your mind to do what it does best. Create amazing maybe not so amazing works of art that you made with your own fingertips.

There is never a one set way of doing anything in life and that is what makes the world bright.

Go now be free. Let yourself write your stories. Let them be a mess. You will have time later to figure things out. Just relax and let go. Be the writer you are and just be free!

Love your spastic ideas, be creative, and free your mind of all constraints.
I thank you all for reading!
I love yah!

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