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"Why didn't come to your sister's engagement party? Everyone was there, Luke, Alton, Marie. Don't you want to be around your family Laiah, to spend time with your niece, they're always asking for you. The wedding is two months from now on August 7th be there." Then she hung up.

I know for certain that I wasn't going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I like my family, I tolerate them but I wasn't one to engage in any form of socializing, it just wasn't my thing and there's this nagging voice in my head that keeps reminding me that everyone is going to leave me sometime, so why should I involve myself with them in the first place?

I liked being alone but I also hated it. I guess you could say I have mixed feelings. When I'm alone I want company but when I have company I want to be alone, so I just stay alone to make matters easier. I've been living solo ever since I was 18 which makes it 5 years now.

I bought myself a cute little cottage and a reasonable piece of land in the outskirts of the city where it wasn't too crowdy. Trees surrounded every corner of my house which made all the more easier to breathe. I had a large garden, where I got most of my food from. It's not that I loved eating all those healthy things, because I didn't ( some would say I don't eat at all which is party true) but there was just something about the feeling of the moist dark soil between my fingers that makes me feel so ... Alive.

My mother hated where I lived, she hated that I've never had a single relationship, she hated that I couldn't socialize , how I dressed and most of all she hated how I wasn't like my little sister, Gem Caviole.

Ms. World herself... literally. Ever since she was a little girl, everyone favored her, adored her. I was never jealous however, angry after all, she was beautiful with her hazel eyes, wavy brown hair , curvy body and tan complexion, actually that was how all my four siblings look. I was the oddball with my dark brown complexion, short kinky hair, plain brown eyes and a very straight body.

Most times people would whisper and say that I was a bastard child, but I knew I wasn't. I was the first. Turns out I was the only one in the family to look exactly like my great grandfather .

I hated myself, I hated how I look but I wasn't going to waste money on fixing anything and there is no way in hell that I'd wear makeup, it just wasn't for me.

"The time is 7:30 pm, the time is 7:30 pm." My alarm went off, dropping me right back into reality, it was time to go to work. Something I actually enjoyed.

I was the head chef at Pearls some fancy restaurant not too far from my home. I couldn't lie, I was getting a good pay but most of it went towards food and clothes while the thousands of remainders went to my bank account. I had no one to take care of, my parents were pretty rich not stinking rich but millions of dollars rich all because of my sister. Growing up she did a lot of pageantry and caught the attention of some modeling agency and the money started flowing; I guess that's why she's the favorite child.

"The time is 7:35 pm."

Right. Work.

I jumped off my large bed and walked to my closet putting on my working clothes. I had taken a shower an hour ago, changing my normal human scent to watermelon, all thanks to the kiddy body wash that I use.

When everything was ready I grabbed my back pack, (I always hated those side bags), then I ensured that all lights were off, locked the doors and stepped on the concrete road, completely ignoring my truck to the side.

Driving wasn't for me.

Being alone in a vehicle in silence or with music was difficult . My mind tends to fuck me up and i go straight to panic mood, and since I'm easily triggered songs were a no- no. I still have scars from the last time I decided that I was mentally stable to drive.

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