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"Tell me Laiah how does it feel to be dead?" Zaar asked.

"Liberating and empty." It really was. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders but my humanity is gone. 

" I'm sorry but it had to be done. With all the power that is going to be released once you truly transform, it'll kill your frail human body. Shaping you into a suitable form. As for the emptiness, it will go away as soon as you lay your eyes on your mates." Zaar explained.

"So what you're saying is I'm basically a Vampire? And what do you mean mates?" I ask.

" Royalty always have more than one mate and yes, you are basically a Vampire who doesn't feed of blood."

"Did you have multiple mates?" They'd been asking me questions since I've been here so it was only fair.

"No. I was killed before I found mine," he says but did not look pained or sad, instead he was smiling."

" I'm sorry for asking and you don't have to answer me but how did you die?" I've itching to ask since I found out.

" I was hung. Homosexuals weren't accepted back in the day. So when my father found me in a woman clothes he didn't wait for an explanation. I was just sent down to the dungeon. Lucky for me I wasn't tortured like others." He says.

It was disgusting how people were treated because of their sexually. What should it matter that they liked the same gender or like wearing different clothes?

"He rested his arms on my shoulder and smiled reassuringly," hey it's okay. I'm fine now. I got paired with two ancient hotties. I have after-life sex as well."

"Okay! Now let's get this shit! I'm the most level headed one here so I decided to come first." He continues.

" Wait aren't you an Angel?"

"Yup! I am." He smiles.

"Angels have training! What exactly do we train for?" Sure. I'd probably need a lesson about the demon and dragon but angel? I thought I was already set for that part!

" Being an angel is quite difficult. Sometimes we gotta chose between what's best and what's morally right. We angels are basically the opposite of demons. We see the further ahead into life, we create things, we are beings of light. But I'm not here to train you, I'm just here to help awaken that part of you." He explains." Come follow me."

I trailed slowly behind him watching in awe as the gold and back steaks turned into a beautiful meadow filled with butterflies and daisies.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He says turning to me.

" It's spectacular!"

"I know but that's mine. Now it's your turn to make yours." He informs.

What? "I can't make a meadow with butterflies and shit! I can't even paint it!" This guy really was impossible!

"You're a chef aren't you?" He says raising a brow.

"Yes but what does that have to do with anything? Food is easy to make."

"No it's not, not for most. I knew a few people in my days who would burn water. No matter how hard they tried they just couldn't do it but you, you got it right away. You were the 9 year old who made souffle right on the first try. Making things is part of you Laiah. All you have to do is believe. Close your eyes and think happy thoughts and let your soul guide you."

Waw. Who would have thought Zaar could be so insightful?

I closed my eyes and focused on the energy of the world of what bond me with it. I thought of my life, how crazy it's been but how happy I am nevertheless. I thought about my mate Aura who was probably worried sick about me. Of Tobias's baby, and amazing it is that a man could carry a child in this world. I thought of my growth, how far I've came from the depressed girl I was.

Then I felt a lightness...a brightness in my soul. I felt content. I could stay like this for hours.

" Amazing." Zaar whiskers in awe.

I opened my eyes slowly and gasp at the new scenery." Its a winter wonderland!"

"Indeed." The meadow was replaced with pine trees, decorated with a few sprinkles of snow flakes and the once green ground was now covered in snow. It really was amazing, almost bittersweet.

"How did you do it?" He asked.

"You literally gave me instructions. All I did was follow them." I laughed.

"Yes, you're right! I'm kinda amazing aren't I?" He giggles.

"Yes you are but I'm more amazing than you are," I replied sticking my tongue out like the childish bitch I was.

"Indeed you are. Look at the reflection." He commanded.

I looked down on the frozen lake and double take at the person I saw," where's the other half of my face?"

I was different, completely. I was taller now, more muscular, the muscles in my body was practically pooping out. Making me look like one of those women who lifted heavy weights. And wait...I had a dick? But that's not even the worst part was that my face was blank, well besides my eyes which was now fully golden.

Zaar kept standing , mouth shaped staring off into the distance.

"HELLO! ZAAR? SNAP OUT OF IT! IM TALKING TO YOU!" I shouted startling him. I almost felt sorry for him when I saw him leap into the air.

"What? What were you saying?"

"I said WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FACE AND MY PUSSY? I HAD ONE A DAY AGO!" This really was getting to me! Why couldn't things be normal? Why me?

" Calm down Laiah." He tried.

"DON'T FUCKING TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" My frustrations was quickly transforming into anger, and uncontrollable anger. I wanted to break something, I wanted to kill someone. I felt the hatred in my soul.

I hated everything in the moment.

I hated that I was born .

I hated how my parents never gave a fuck about me.

I hated that they adored my sister.

I hated my sister for being normal.

I hated life.

I hate myself.

" Oh my goodness! Neph come here quick!" Zaar said from the side but I was too busy hating everything.

That tree, it's so hideous, it reminds me of me. Why don't you kill it? I thought as I slammed my fist into the hard wood , boring a large hole in the center of the tree.

It felt good, destroying the tree. I bet if I did a couple more I'd feel better, I thought.

That was before I saw a large bluish green and pink scaly dragon appear before me.

But I wasn't afraid. I was too angry to be afraid.

As stunning as the dragon was, I wanted to kill it. I wonder if I could kill a dragon, I thought right before my entire body was surrounded by water.


So apparently Laiah is intersex...idk how that happened 😭 but she still got her boobs so she's using the pronoun 'she/her'.


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