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Everyone remained silent as the news sank in. At this point it wasn't really surprising that she was the child of Saka. Everything made perfect sense.

"So I'm a guy?" Laiah says or should I say Isura.

"You're whatever you want to be." Gem laughs.

" Am I Laiah or Isura?" She continues.

"You could be Ishita or Kaelyn or Jack. It's all your choice." Gem shrugs smiling at her.

"I guess I'll stick to Laiah. If I changed my name now it'll all be too confusing." She sighed," So we're not really related?"

"We are actually, you were raised as my sister but you're biological my cousin. But you'll always be my loser sister."

"Your bigger sister." Laiah corrects.

"Nope. Loser." Gem says flicking her on the nose." Maybe you guys should go out for a bit, the City is amazing. My friend has this restaurant not too far from here, may get one night to yourselves before you get back to the chaos." She says turning to leave.

I guess she wasn't as bad as she made herself seem." Thanks." I said offering her a smile.

"You okay mama?" I asked Laiah.

"I guess." She frowns," life's just great. We somehow have another mate, Aera is angry, my mother is the one destroying peace. This entire thing is practically my fault."

That doesn't sound too great. " It's not your fault okay. She's just avenging her baby and going about it the wrong way. What would you do if someone takes away our little one?" I asked rubbing my flat stomach.

"I'll kill them all." She growled pulling me closer to her.

" Like mother like daughter." I laughed.

"Who's mother?" Riley says staring at us both confusingly.

"Well hello there." Laiah smirks." How was your sleep."

"It was great actually. It's been a while since I last took a nap." He yawns.

"Well that's good." I smiled looking him in the eye. It was still so strange, I didn't feel the mate connection but I felt some connection to him.

"Who are you?" I asked eyeing him.

"I'm Riley." He giggles.

"I know that but who exactly are you?" I asked sternly letting him know that I really was serious.

He continued giggling ," I said I'm Riley."

"Who are you Riley?" Laiah asks looking at him strangely. " You're not human. I can feel it now. Are you even our mate? Who sent you?"

His stared at Laiah completely astounded," how is this possible? How did you know? I've been around for centuries and not one person noticed. How did you?"

"It wasn't too difficult, I was unable to read your mind so I felt something was a bit fishy. Now who are you?"

"I'm your guardian angel." He states.

"Great. Just what I need. More confusion.". She sighs.

"Oh there's nothing confusing about it really. I'm not your guardian angel. I'm Aura's guardian angel. We are sent by the goddess to protect a specific being." He explains.


"Why would she need a guardian angel?"Laiah asks confused." Aren't i all strong and powerful?"

" These are questions only the Goddess can answer. I'm only here for a short time, once my assignment is done I'll be gone." He smiles.

"And what exactly is your assignment?" I asked curiosity.

"That's classified information but I'm sure you'll figure it out soon." He states.

"We mated you." Laiah states.

He laughs," sweetheart I can't be mated. Sex among guardians and their supernaturals aren't uncommon. Usually they're mistaken for mates due to the connection that we share. That's why there was no form of guilt when we fucked on that plane."

Wow. This guy was no bullshiter.

"So why do I feel the connection?" Laiah asks confused.

"Because you're mated to her. There is a bond between you two." He explains.

"But there's none with Aera." Laiah continue.

"Well there is but it's very close to non existent. Why haven't you mated her yet by the way? She's really gorgeous. Seems a little firey but that's kind of sexy." He moans.

We really found ourselves some freaky ass guardian angel.

"We're waiting for a special moment." Laiah says.

"Special? What's more special that being thoroughly fucked by your mates on a nice warm bed. Hell it doesn't even need to be a bed. The location doesn't matter. It's just the connection of the people. "

"Shit you're right! We need to fix this before it gets out of hand!" I cried .

"No need to panic. We'll keep it simple. Aura and Riley, you guys will take her shopping whiles I decorate the room with roses and candle light . Then we'll all go for dinner and fuck when we get back. Sounds good?" She says looking at us.

"Sound great. This should be fun. Good thing she can't kill me." He laughs." Operation fuck Aera. Is a go. Let's get started!"

"That's definitely not what we're calling it." Laiah laughs." How about operation making Aera ours?"

"Borinngggg. I liked mine better." Riley pouted.

"No one cares Riley." She says with an eye roll." Just go up and get her."

"This isn't going to be cute." I muttered knowing how Aera felt about Riley.

"We'll be fine." She says as we followed her scent, stopping at the door with the strongest scent.

"What if she has a knife?"

"She won't." I laugh ruffling his hair.

We watched in silence as Laiah slowly opened to door and all took a breathe of relief as we saw the sleeping beauty sprawled out on the large pink mattress.

"Aww this room is pretty amazing!" Riley gasped," your sister sure has taste!   Is this a piano! In a bedroom!" He raced excitedly to the far corner of the room where the masterpiece was sitting, glowing beautifully in the afternoon sun.

He reached out to play a tune but before he could Laiah growled," don't.you.dare."

"Oops." He giggles while slowly backing away from the instrument.

"So what do we do now?" I ask turning to Laiah.

" We carry her to the car. Simple." She shrugs.

"Great! Now she's going to think I kidnapped her."



A lot has been going on lately 😭😭
So sorry for the slow updates.

After watching @Zapp-Apple  and other amazing readers comments and votes, I'm more than determined to finish this novel.

In fact it's almost done 🙃

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