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2 weeks.

2 weeks of begging the Goddess to wake her.

2 weeks of misery.

It was 7pm, usually I'd be bawling my eyes out but there were no mor tears to cry. I could only stare at Laiah silently praying that she wakes up. Everyone who knew tried convincing me to talk to her, but why should I? It's not she'd hear me.

It doesn't hurt to try; I heard my mom's voice in my head.

I scooted closer to the cocoon she was now in, releasing a shaky breath. This would be my first time speaking in such a long time. "Hey babe. It's been two weeks; do you ever plan on coming out from your shell?"

As expected there was no response." You know, I always wondered what you were, and I think I got my answer; you're a butterfly. That's the only animal who transform in a cocoon. Not saying that you're an animal but..."

I'm really talking to myself, but it felt great to talk to her."By the way, the baby is okay. They placed him in some kinda thing like a womb that's helping him to grow his organs."

It was still amazing how she could tell by just looking at him. Everyday Tobias came to visit her in the room, thanking her with a fresh bouquet of daisies everyday.

" I miss you." I whispered. "I miss you so much."

It's been hell here in the pack. Everything was so disorganized, more and more supernatural creatures were in peril. Packs were caught on fire, Alpha's , Beta's, Gammas were going missing everywhere and are seeking refugee in our pack.

Even the Mer people were at risk! That's how I knew that something was up. Mer people remained underwater, living their lives peacefully among creatures of the sea. They're calm and shy creatures who don't really like dealing with those outside of their area. So why were they being captured and who could even destroy underwater structures?

I've been trying, questioning, and doing research but no one seemed to know what was happening. I contacted the elders and they claimed that it was a punishment from the Goddess, but I call bullshit!

I've read hundreds of history books, and not once did they mention of such things, even back in the days of Kings this never happened. The Royals back in the days were very brutal, draining people of their wealth, abusing it's subjected all whiles living lavish lives and they weren't punished. So why would we, the accepting, understanding, and peaceful generation be punished?

It made no sense at all!

"Alpha there's a rogue at the border, demanding to speak with you?" Jahfi the head warrior says disturbing me.

I jumped up from my seat immediately," a rogue?"

"Yes sir. He's in the cell." He says.

"Did he come alone?" I asked.

"Yes, Alpha he came alone, and all beaten up." He informs.

I didn't want to leave my mate, but it seemed like there was no choice," fine then. Look after my mate. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Yes Alpha." He says taking my sit." If she wakes, I will contact you."

I appreciated his offer, really did but I knew that she wasn't waking up any time soon. I nodded indicating that I heard him and left Laiah's room.

What could a rogue possibly want from me? What kind of rogue was this? Who beat him up and why was he alone? People who were caste out usually joined Rogue packs. So why was his guy alone? Was this all a trap?

I didn't know what to think. Things just kept on happening!

"Right this way." A warrior said leading me further into the dungeon.
It was unsurprisingly clean. We seldom use it, so it made a lot of sense.

"Here we are." He says stopping in front of a metal door.

As I opened the door the sweet aroma of strawberries that wasn't there before filled my nostrils.

Now what?

I looked around and a small bruised up human frame laid tied up on an uncomfortable looking chair. I felt so sorry for the guy immediately began untying him feeling sparks travelling throughout my body . This guy couldn't hurt me, not in the state that he was in but something told me that he wouldn't even try if he was in good condition. I threw the ropes to the side of the grey room and stared at the dirt covered boy waiting for him to feel comfortable enough to speak.

A few moments pasted before he finally spoke," are you the Alpha?"

His voice cracked, almost like he hasn't used it for years.

"That me." I replied.

It was then he made eye contact with me. "impossible." I whispered.

The sparks.

The scent.

My need to protect him.

This guy was my mate, but I already have a mate. How could I have two mates? What was the goddess doing?

"It's fine you'll reject me later. I have an important message." Everyone looks forward to their mate accepting them so why is this little fellow think that I was going to reject him on sight?

" I'm not rejecting you," I said kissing him on his bruised forehead causing him to gasp," now what is it that you have to say?"

" She sent me to warm you. There's a piece of paper in the back of my pants." He speaks.

I lifted him up slowly trying my best not to hurt him more than he already was. I grabbed the stained piece of paper and opened it slowly.

Dear She Alpha,

It pains me to say this, especially to such a strong capable female leader but your time has come. Well actually I need you alive. How will I absorb your energy if you're dead? It's not like I want to really, but it needs to be done, supernatural beings have been alive for far too long... I'm thinking a massive extinction!

I've got the mermaid Alphas, the dragon Alpha's, the demon Alpha's... basically every other Alpha well except for a few werewolf packs. And I'm very tired of them believing that I can't defeat them all because I'm a woman. Make this easy for yourself and just had yourself, along with your Beta and no harm will come to your pack members or watch me destroy everything you ever cared for. I'll be here in a month. Just enough time to train your pack members. something tells me that you're not going to hand yourself in.

Chose wisely girl.

Xoxo Saka.

What in the actual fuck?

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