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We were back at the Gem's mansion after our not so long journey to the woods. I have to admit, Riley isn't as bad as I thought he was and that I maybe overreacted . I just wished that they would have spoken to me instead of ignoring the entire situation.

"You okay?" Riley asks  jolting me away from my thoughts.

"I'm great. Just thinking." I sighed staring out of the glass window, unmoving.

"Hey, you'll be fine. Things will never be the same after tonight, I assure you." He smiled in a knowing way." Now come on let's go."

He steps out, opening my door like he's been doing for the past day. " Lady's first."

"As we should." I giggled taking his awaiting hands.

"This is going to amazing!" He grins as we walked towards the entrance.

"What's gonna be amazing?" I questioned, confused by his sudden giddiness

"You'll see." He replies humming a familiar song.

"But I wanna know now!" Inspired stamping my feet impatiently.

"Patience love." He says as he opens the door.

I'd expect to see the same room as when I left but instead it was decorated with flowers of all kinds, and lanterns illuminating the room. Making everything all so beautiful.

"Waw. This is amazing! Gem is so lucky to have someone to do this for her." I cooed bending to pick up a few rose petals.

"Now who said that it's for Gem?" Riley says raising a brow.

"Well it's her house. Who else would be for?" I scoff.

"Why don't we follow this trail and see?" He says.

Out of curiosity, I followed the red trail up the stairs through the hallway and stopping right on front of the room that I chose." Impossible." I whispered.

"Yup." He smiled." It's all for you."

"Really?" I smiled getting a bit teary eyed.

"Open to door honey." He urged.

I opened the door slowly, fearing that this was all a big joke.

If I thought the living room was filled with flowers then I was clearly mistaken, the entire room floor was covered in petals. I took a dive in, flapping my hands and feet in the soft  bed of roses." Come join me Bear!"

I heard him laugh from besides me ," no can do, we have an outing to prepare for." He points to the bed where a golden silk gown laid , along with an envelope and a bouquet of white roses and a matching stiletto heels.

I held the white envelop in hand, running my hands along the letters that spelt my name.

"You can open it you know, we're kinda running a bit late." Riley says.

"Okay." I whispered removing the seal.

Hey baby,

If you're reading this then it means that you didn't kill Riley. Hopefully you guys are on good terms.
There's a dress laying on your bed , Stewart is waiting for you in the limo.  Come to us princess.

I hope you liked the flowers. We kinda got a bit if everything . As I speak now,Aera is panicking. If you don't like it, just pretend like you do because I think she'd probably cry.
Can't wait to see you.
— love Laiah.

"Waw. They suck at this whole expressing your feelings shit." Riley scoffs.

"I thought it was really beautiful." I smiled, holding the letter to my chest.

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