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He looked so peaceful sleeping on my pink silk sheets. I hadn't been in my room since Laiah went into her coma. It was too painful to step into, there were too many memories her. Her watermelon scent was stuck to the walls, never once fading. It almost felt like she was here.

I wish she was here.

At least I wasn't alone. Aera was here with me. He didn't know her, but I could tell that it was affecting him. He'd been reading poems for her while I tired figuring out the Saka solution. After yet another sleepless night I decided that I was just going to give up myself. With the strength Saka possess I know for a fact that we'd fail if we were gone to combat. I didn't want anyone knowing, not even my mates, it's better if they didn't.

"Staring is impolite." His eyes remained closed but the large grin he held on to his face indicated that he was indeed awake.

"Shush man! You love it!" I teased kissing him on his warn forehead

"Woman." I heard him whisper, if not for my strong Alpha hearing, I probably wouldn't have heard a thing.

"Woman?" I asked confused but he only shook his head facing the opposite direction.

Something was definitely up," you're obviously uncomfortable with something so like the good mate I am, I'm going to hold you hostage until you answer."
He tried running away but it was too late, I already had him by the arm. He was so petite and light, I always carried him everywhere.

"Let me go bubba!" He whined struggling to be released but Aura Bakes was not releasing him any time soon.

I rested my head in the crook of his neck inhaling his sweet scent." Tell me baby why did you say woman?"

"Urmm nothing. Just forget about it."

Yeah, something was definitely bothering him but it seemed like I won't be getting an answer just by asking, I need to distract him so that he answers. And what better distraction is there greater than seduction.

I trailed my hands down his chest, playing with his very visible harden pink nipples." What's wrong?"

"N-n-nothing." He stuttered.

I guess it wasn't enough. I leaned back and rolled myself to the opposite side of the next mattress. He tilted his head to the side looking at me confusingly probably wonder why i stopped.

"Come here." I demanded, opening my legs so that he could fit in.

He jumped towards me, almost knocking his head on the wall.

"Careful babe." I chuckled pulling his up so I could have better access to his lips." So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I whispered hoping that I sounded as sexy as I thought I did.

"Nothing. "he says staring me directly in the eye.

How bold of him.

I stuck out my tongue and liked the corner of his lips smirking in delight as I heard his soft moans." Tell me."

"No." Aera was such a stubborn little fellow. This time I held the back of his head, directing him to where I want him.

"Bubba," he cried as I sucked on his plump lips.

"Yes baby." I answered while trailed kisses down his thin neck.

"Kiss me." He orders.

"I'm already kissing you," I laughed taking a second to stare at his blush filled face.

"Kiss me like you mean it." He growls.

As I werewolf it is my duty to fulfill my mate's desire and if he wanted me to kiss him, I was going to kiss the fuck out of him. I held is waist and placed him on my very erected dick causing him to gasp loudly.

"What's this?" He asked, getting of me slowly.

I've never once felt ashamed of my body, or that fact that I had a dick and a pair of breasts but they way he looked at me made me question everything." Urmm it's a , it's a ..."

Before I could stutter out an answer, he pulled down my shorts exposing my hardened dick." Bubba? Why do you have a dick?"

Bold much?

"Yes. " I answered observing his reaction. I really didn't want him to reject me because of something I don't have control over.

"Did you put it?" He asked confused causing me to actually burst out laughing this time. He was just too adorable!

"No. I was born this way."

"Really! Me too!" He giggles.

"You're a guy, you're supposed to have a dick." I smiled poking his button noes.

"No no I mean I have a..I have a.." he drags suddenly interesting in the hem of the large shorts that I gave him to wear.

" Hey baby look at me." He remained sitting staring at his lap ashamed of what I don't know.

" Hey. You could have two bananas down here I wouldn't give a fuck." I say causing him to giggle.

"I don't have two bananas bubba, just a vagina." He giggles, pulling the waste band of the shorts putting his pussy on exhibition.

Damn! I placed him to lay down so I could have a better view." Waw. It's beautiful." I was awestruck.

It really was beautiful. Laiah would have loved it, she really would. I frowned at the thought, really wishing that she was here this time.

"Are you ok?" Our sweet boy asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just missing Laiah." I didn't want him thinking that his company wasn't enough even if it really wasn't but clearly, he felt the same about me.

"I don't know her personally, but I really wish that she was holding me close right now." He sighed lifting his elbow so that he could sit up, slightly.

"Yeah, me too." I frowned.

"What's she like?" He says with genuine curiosity.

"She's the most beautiful woman that ever existed with her curls and her dark chocolate skin. She really loves cooking and is obsessed with the colour black and blue. She's just... amazing you know? And kind. God! Even when I was a bitch to her she treated me with respect!" I praised.

" You were mean to our mate!" He accused pouting like the cutie he was.

"Yes. She was very bitchy. In fact, I think she almost lost me due to her bitchiness but that's a story for later." A familiar voice interrupts.

Impossible! She was asleep! And I would have heard her enter the room, or even smell her.

This was all in my head.


I'm hearing things.

"So, you're not even going to look at me?"

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