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"Darling sister, I was expecting your visit. How's mother?" She smiled softly.

"Dead." I replied.

The room was silent and my sister the beauty queen was looking at me strangely," you killed mother? A pity I wanted to do it myself."

" I'm serious." I growled annoyed.

"You thought I was joking?" She laughs , her silky hair flowing in the wind like the true start she is.

"Enough. I didn't come here to laugh about that lady's death. We need to talk." I said, taking a sit next to the sleeping Riley in the love seat, her unusually large living room.

"Let me guess, you're searching for answers? Well I've got a few, maybe most." She smiles crossing her legs.

"There's no time for laughter the—,"

"The world is depending on you. I get it. To think that you of all people is the savour of the world." She teases.

" You can't be the star of everything." I growled not liking her little taunts.

She burst out in laughter," darling no. I wasn't chosen for a reason. I'm too lazy to save the world."

"But you have the strength to destroy it?"I accused pointing at her.

"Destroy? Me? I'm too lazy for that as well." She giggles but it sounded so fake to me." Would you like a glass a wine?"

She lifts up the fancy bottle, showcasing it fanciness," no? Would you rather champagne?"

"I'd like a whiskey." Aera says leaving her bags to go toy sister. Instead of grabbing a glass like everyone expected. She took the entire bottle," it's not enough but it'll do. Is there anywhere I can go to rest?"

"Sure. Walk upstairs and chose a room to your liking." Gem smirks.

"Thanks. I'm heading out. Don't call me unless my life is in danger. Actually...," She paused for a few seconds," don't call me at all."

"Take Riley with you." Aura demands." He'd probably be more comfortable laying on a bed."

"Fuck you and your Riley." She spat before ascending the stairs.

"Oh. I like this one. She has a fire. But maybe you should pay a little more attention to her, emotions like hers can be so deadly. Wouldn't want her being a next Roné."

" Enough. I didn't come here for advice. I came for answers."

" Fine then. I'll tell you a story." She says turning serious.

"Once upon a time there was a woman named Roné. She seemed happy mated to her destined mate, an honest farmer wanting nothing more than to make his beloved happy. That happiness remained the same for a while. They gave birth to a beautiful daughter and called her Gem. A few years passed before she have birth to a son Kelaiah."

So she was the true daughter of Roné.

" That was when everything fell into ashes. The little girl was left with Jennette, a worker on the father's farm, whiles her parents went on a lengthy journey. The mother came back with only the baby and no father. The daughter wept and wept for the loss of her father but the mother had yet to shed a tear. That was when she knew something wasn't right."

"That's so awful." Aura cried, holding her chest.

" As the years passed, the mother changed into someone unrecognizable. She slept with the rich men, climbing higher and higher up the social ladder. She never played or spend any time with her daughter. She even forgot the name of the daughter a few times. But nothing was as strange as the little boy who no longer bore his male parts. He was a girl, just like me. At the age of 6 mother began referring to him as 'she', dressing him as a girl." She says smiling at me.

"I was confused for years but kept my mouth shut focusing on being the perfect daughter when I overheard my mother as I walked pass the doors. ' I 'm attending balls, meeting Kings just like you did.  I hope your soul remains shattered even when you're dead. I have it all, the prize you  desire but will never attain."

"But that makes no sense! We weren't always rich. When did we even meet Kings? You were the one that made us all rich with your love of pagentry!" I cried confused as ever.

"That's what she wanted you to think but I don't blame you honestly, you are practically brain washed." She shrugs ," and  I despise pagentry as much as I despised mother.

It was then I realized how hard life must have been for her to do something you hate, for what?" Why did you do it?"

She looked at me surprised and stopped to think for a moment." I wanted her to be proud, I wanted her to look at me like how she looked at you."

"What? She hated me." I hissed," she insulted me daily, abused me verbally, ruined my confidence and plagued me with mental illnesses."

" She was desperate. She did what needed to be done." She sighed," she was harsh at times but  her actions may have not matched but she looked at you as the most prized Gem."

" No she didn't. She went all the way to Florida to kill me." I frowned remembering the memory.

"After finding your mates and your transformation ; great body by the way. " She adds quickly,"Roné became afraid that she did all what she did in vain."

"Nothing you're saying is making any sense!" I shouted.

Aura rushed to me, rubbing my back gently." Relax mama"

"Mama? That's actually funny because you're the one with the mommy issues." She laughs like it's the funniest thing ever." Goddess bless your mother's soul."

Then it hit me!" You know who my mother is."

"Of course I know! Just found out actually put the pieces all together myself. Saka was the Queen of three Kingdoms. It was know to all how she turned from rags to riches because of her chosen mates who adored her like none other. I remember decades ago as a child hearing about the great news! The Queen was pregnant with her first child!" She exclaims making jazzy hands.

"Everyone rejoiced and so did I. My mother was pregnant as well. Months passed and the celebration continued. It was after the death of the child when everything went wrong. My mother killed my father, and my brother for revenge of her sister, the Queen Saka. The rage of losing her child caused the Queen to go mad, not even her mates could stop her. Saka would do anything to find the murderer of her child. This whole supernatural crisis was caused by the loss of child." She says staring straight into my soul.

" I mean it's only fair. If she couldn't be happy with her family and child, then no one should. Now everyone is paying for my mother's mistake. But there's a way out of all this madness and that's you. Only you can stop it. Only you can tame the beast." She smiles.

" That's what I don't get! Why me? Sure I've got the power but why? the goddess didn't tell me why, you're telling a bunch of stories."I cried frustrated.

"Oh. This has nothing to do with power. Your power is simply genetics. It is far deeper than that. You are Isura. The stolen son of Queen Saka."

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