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Aera wasn't drunk.

That much was certain. This was a human bar, which meant that the alcohol wasn't strong enough for an adult wolf go to get drunk.

It was easy to find the red head. She sat in the middle of the large stage grinding on some asian guy; her ass all up on his crotch.

I hated it.

Why was she dancing so sexually with this guy especially in that outfit!

I was going to kill them both!

I stalked up to the stage but was stopped by some man in a black suit," you're not allowed here ma'am."

"And why the fuck not?" I growled. Each second that passed was another Aera spent with that man.

"Only staff allowed." He says still blocking me.

"Sir. If you don't move in .5 seconds I'm going to have to push you to the side." I warned. My wolf was angry but this man was only doing what he was paid to do.

He saw the deadly look in my eye and moved to the side.

What a smart boy.

I jumped up the stage, pulled Aera away from the guy's lap then turned to look at the guy.

He was wolf,a member of my pack at that"What's your name pup!" I growled in my Alpha voice.

He smirked apparently very amused for reasons unknown. " Hey Alphie. What can Pur do for you tonight.'

Pur?" How bold! You touch an Alpha's mate and have the audacity to ask what can you do for me? I should kill you, I really should." I held him by the neck, gripping tightly wanting nothing more than to end him right there!

I couldn't help the smile that escaped as I saw his fearful eyes.

That's right! Fear me bitch!

"STOP NOW AURA! HE'S MY FRIEND!" Aera cried trying to pull him out of my grasp.

She even defends him!

My anger shifted and I was now glaring at an equally angry mate.

"What you gonna fight me where everyone can see you?" It was then I noticed the crowd that stood behind us. Some were staring with mouths agape while others were recording.

Stupid humans!

I grabbed Aera and pulled her out of the stage.

"BOOPS! YOU'RE LEAVING ALREADY?" a familiar voice says. I turn to see Barbara another member of my pack. She seemed surprised that I was here.

"Alpha?" She whispered." Boops?" She turns to Aera who only stares at the floor.

Guess she didn't know that she was mated. I thought all three of us moving in together was a very obvious sign. I think I'll have to make it official and introduce them as the Alpha and Luna of the pack.

" I'd love to stand and stare awkwardly but we need to go." I informed.

"I'll catch you later Boops. Here's your stuff. " She hands Aera 4 bags and goes back to the bar.

I quickly made it out of the bar and to the jeep with an annoyed mate right behind me." You're so fucking embarrassing!"

"Get in." I ordered ignoring her outburst and the uncomfortable pain in my chest.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." She says stubbornly.


The world stopped for a moment as I stared at the drops that fell down her makeup filled face. I've never once shouted at her, I knew that it could be triggering especially with a past like hers but I couldn't help it. My usually adorable Aera was acting like a bitch.

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