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A million possibilities ran through my mind as I smelt his sweet strawberry scented blood.

"Shit!" Aura whispered running to the door with me still on her shoulder." Baby open up!"

" No!" She shouted.

I exhaled loudly happy that she was still alive. I wouldn't know what to do if she had ...

"I swear if you don't opening this door right fucking now!" She growled but made no move pound the door.

" Why are you even wasting your time? Don't don't you have somewhere to be?" I could tell that my poor baby had been bawling her eyes out moments before. Laiah was a bit harsh with her.

"I'm sorry. I- I just... Why don't you come out so we can discuss this in a more comfortable zone?" She begged.

Lucky for her Aera was a forgiving person. Seconds later she came out the door with the most heartbroken expression ever. " Hi."

Even during terrible situations she was still cute." Hey baby." I smiled trying to lighten the mood..

" Let's get you checked." Laiah said right before sending Aera over her next shoulder, carrying us both to the room.

She scanned over Aera's body looking for any sign of blood but there only a fading bruise on her forehead. She opened the draw and got out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and dabbed it in a ball of cotton, cleaning her skin.

" Stay put! I'll be back in a minute." She says leaving the room with the bloody cotton.

As soon as she left the room I turned to Aera." Shit baby are you okay? I smelt blood and I nearly lost it! What happened?"

" I'm fine. Just knocked my head against the edge of the wall but it's all healed now. " He smiles resting his head on my shoulder.

We stayed that way for a few moments before he decided to speak," Am I a terrible mate? Am I asking for too much?"

" What? No babe you're amazing!" I cooed playing with his curls.

"So why doesn't Laiah think so?" She frowns shedding a few tears.

I quickly placed her on my lap stroking the side of her smooth baby face," hey... Laiah didn't mean anything she said. She's just tired and stressed."

"I don't know Bubba. I can't help the way I think, she seemed like she really meant it, like she really hated me."

" She's your mate. She can't hate you even if she tried. Mates can't hate each other." I said trying to reassure her.

"They can. Because my dad hated my mom." She states matter of factly.

That got me curious. Never had she once ever mentioned his parents or what happened to him and here he was opening up to me.

" I was never wanted. No one wanted the freak. My mother always reminded me of how disappointed she was when she birthed me. She never wanted a girl, a strong dominant Alpha was what she was imagining. Years passed and they just ignored me, that was until they planned an arrange marriage with some old rich Alpha that would take place on my 16th birthday. " She pause taking a deep breath.

I rubbed her neck urging her to proceed," During that time they cared for me physically ensuring that I was healthy and well taken care of . As I grew older I never fully developed like the other girls did. My chest remained flat, I had a adam's apple, facial hair, and my voice was becoming deeper. Surprisingly my parents brought me to the doctors and and I was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance. My testosterone levels were too high.
They began shoving estrogen pills down my throat each day in hope to reverse the spell but I guess werewolf genes were different than that of a human. The only thing that changed slightly was a voice and my facial hair was reduced."

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