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What in the actual fuck is Roné Caviole doing in Florida?

Isn't she supposed I be helping Gem plan a wedding ?

Why did they call her Roberts?

How long did she know the Bake family?

When did she get do creepy?

A thousands questions that I did not have the answers to flew to my mind and I could only stare at the lady that I call mother doubting that we were even related.

She looked older, a few wrinkles scattered around her face, her skin was no longer tan, it was a pale white almost as if she hadn't seen proper sunlight for decades. Her normally brown eyes were hazel, since when was there green in her eyes?

She looked different but her scent remained the same, garlic.

"Well are you just gonna stare at me child? Give your mother a hug!" She even sounded different.

"No." For the first time in my life I didn't feel the urge to please her in fact I was disgusted. Something about her was rotten.

"No?" She repeats faking hurt. She never cared, that much was certain so why would she even want a hug." So you've grown a few muscles, finally learnt to contain your hair and you think you can disrespect me! Give me a hug!"

"Hi! I'm Aera! It's nice to meet you! Mama's been talking only good things about you. It's nice to finally meet you." I hated that Aera was lying to please this stupid witch .

"Actually I can't fu-,

"Baby they're children here. Why don't we eat first and then the nice family will have a nice chat?" Aura interupts right when I was about to let this lady have it!

"Yeah! Food first!" A chubby 7 years old boy cheers lighting up the mood.

"So Aura aren't you going to introduce your mate to us?" A man says after everyone had taken their seats. I was sandwiched between my two mates, thank fuck for that!

"Right!" Aura says smiling at everyone." Evening losers! These are my sexy , one of a kind, drop dead gorgeous, love of my life, my reason for breathing, the peanut to my—

"Alright damnit! Just get on with it!" Said a guy who looked exactly like her mother blonde hair, blue eyed.

"Daddy! Papa said a bad word!"a cute little guy said to the man sitting besides him ( most likely his dad).

" Don't worry Daisy, papa will be severely punished when we get home!" The brunet warned pointing his finger in a scolding manner causing ' papa' to roll his eyes.


" As I was saying! Before I was rudely interupted by Johan and Pier!" Aah so that's there names. I wonder who is who?" These are my mates, Aera and Laiah."

"Ha! Laiah! Lmfao! As in L-a-y-e-r?" Some teen boy laughs.

"You'll have to excuse Richie he's a bit of a moron." A lady frowns flicking him on the forehead.

"Hey mom!" He groans cradling his head.

"It's alright. He's just a little boy and it's L-a-i-a-h." I laughed.

"Actually her birth name is Kelaiah. She just decided that she didn't want it anymore." The witch interupts.

"No one asked you Roberts." I growled glaring at her as viscously as I could.

" How about that food?" A guy says passing round with large bowls setting them on.the table.

"Hmmm! Finally! I thought I'd starve!" Tobias says rubbing his flat belly.

" He's your son alright!" Aura mother says chuckling a bit.

"Damn right! He eats all the food at home." A woman says patting him on the back.

"You love it babe.' he says sticking his tongue out.

"No. I love you." And just like that they are making out at the family dinner.

"Oh for fucks sake! Not infront of my mates!" Aura growled attempting to block our eyes.

"Sorry about that Laiah. Tobias and Dasha are always at it. Lord knows how baby Miracle is going to handle it all." Her father sighs.

Miracle?" Who's Miracle?"

"That's the name we have to our little boy, baby Miracle. Afterall he is a miracle. We could never thank you enough for saving his life." Tobias says wiping a stray tear.

"Save a child? Ha! She can't even save herself!" My 'mother' laughs but stood as soon as she realized that no one was laughing with her.

"What's gotten into you Roberts?" Her father asks." How could you be so hard with your child?"

"You've gone soft Andrew! Can't even take a joke!" She frowns." Anyways enough with the chit chat! Why don't we pour a nice glass of wine that I bought specially for this event."

"Oh! I've always loved your wine."Andrew smiles forgetting all about her earlier comment." What did you bring this time?"

" Peril."  She smirked ," I'll go get it from the fridge." She says getting up.

Peril. It sounded all too familiar, I've heard it somewhere before.
Then it clicked!

"Jacob sweety why don't you have a dinner with us tonight." My mother smiles sweetly.

Why was she inviting him for dinner, I thought she hated him? I've heard her nag on about how poor he was and how she'd never accept him as a son in law. So whats with the sudden change?

Jacob was a nice guy, one of the few I liked of Gem's thousands of boyfriends.  We'd bake together, play dress up, he was my best friend.

"Come now, have a sip of  wine." She demands pouring him a glass.

Why was she offering him wine? We never drank wine....ever.

"I don't think I should Miss Caviole," he mutters afraid it was no secret that she didn't like him.

"Enough with this nonsense. Call me mom."

I remember the shocked look on everyone's as they stared at my mother.

" Fine. I'll just have one glass." He smiles, happy to finally be accepted.

"One glass of Peril coming up!" She giggles.

I never saw him again and one day when I asked my mother said he drank poison and died . It was the same with Jade, Ruth, Tadd, every other boyfriend of Gem. Except the last few were richer.

Why was I realizing this now?

This lady was sick!

"Baby? Are you okay?" I looked up to see everyone staring at me, concern in their eyes.

Everyone listen. I said making a link between everyone in the table.

They turned to each other confused

"Okay so did anyone else hear that!" Pier said.

It's me, Laiah. Listen I need to you follow my every instruction. Daisy when Roberts comes back I need you to bawl as loudly as you can.   I said  turning to her.

And Mr.Layer I need you to go with her and every other kid here. Go watch a movie upstairs or something. 

"My name's not Layer it's Rogie." He says rolling his eyes." But why should we even listen to you?"

You'll find out later. Just do as I say.

"Aah! I'm back. Now who wants some wine?" She smiles sitting back in her original seat." Why don't you get some first Andrew."

"Why don't you take a sip first Roberts."


This part was inspired by a two year old holding a knife at me saying that he's gonna kill me.

Imagine being stabbed by a 2 year old.😳

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