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I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned as I stretched my bones before I looked for the device.

"Listen mom, I thought about it and I decided that I'm no going to the wedding," I sighed and internally cringe at the roughness of my voice.

" As much as I find this entertaining Ms. Willows I've been at the airport waiting for too long. Where are you?" An unfamiliar voice says calmly into the phone.

"I'm sorry sir or miss but I think you've got the wrong number."

" This is Laiah Willow isn't it?" I could hear the amusement in the person's tone.

"Yes it is. How did you find my number? Are you stalking me? Because if you are that's pretty dumb." No one besides my mother had ever called me so at first 8d expect it to be here with somebody completely different was on the phone.

" I'm not your stalker I'm the boss of your boss. Now I believe we have somewhere to be, meet me at the Johnson's Airport in 10. It's already 11am." Then hung up.

It was the I realized who I was speaking to, it was the bitch!

She doesn't seem so bitchy on the phone, maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought she was.

I had ten minutes to get ready, lucky for me I wasn't one of those ladies who took five hours to get ready. In 5 minutes I was ready to leave the house with my suitcase in hand and my white vest, grey joggers and white sneakers.

The Johnson's Airport was a 20 minutes walk from where I lived bit if I took the short cut I'd make it about half the time.

So I speed walked through the forest, smiling and talking to any living thing there. Nature always seemed to put me at peace. I liked feeling the breeze through my hair , feeling the connection between the spirit of life and me, it was just amazing.

The further away from my house I went, the closer I was to the airport. Finally I was at the airport, I checked the time an it read 11:30. Guess I took longer than I thought.

I ran inside searching desperately for Ms.Bitchy Boss. After two minutes of seeking I just gave up and decide that she already left without me. Which wasn't too bad since I didn't really want to go with her either. I turned to leave but  instead collided with someone.

"You really need to stop bouncing into me," they said.

I looked up and saw the same lady from the meeting yesterday Aura Bakes and she was angry.

"Did I not say meet me in 10 minutes?" She asks, hand crossed against her chest."let's just go, you've wanted enough of my time as it is."

She went in the opposite direction of where the check in area was and I was confused as fuck," are you sure we're going in the right direction?"

"I'm certain."

"Are you sure because the check in is over there," I said pointing to the back were we left.

" That's the check-in for the broke nobody's." She says in a mocking voice.

I stopped and stared at her back she walked into the V.I.P door. If it's one thing I hated it was when people thought that they were better than others. Sure some people had more wealth and power but others work just as hard for lower wages and they too deserved their respect.

I was walking back to the 'broke nobodies' check-in. If she left without me, even better but this was the only way that I'd ever leave the country. I stood at the end of the line, unluckily for me there wasn't much people there, about 10.

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