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She was gone.

I killed her.

I was supposed to feel free , a weight lifted of my shoulder but instead I felt troubled and confused.

If she wasn't my mother then who was?

How did she know Nephasine and Azar ?

How old was she?

How old was I?

Is Gem okay?

Where was father? Was he even my father?

Why did she keep me if she hated me?

And most importantly who am I?

All my life was a lie! A big fat lie!

"She's been in here for hours! She need to eat!"

Aura and Aera has been bickering for God knows how long and I couldn't find the energy to stop them.

It was just too much. Too damn much!

I don't even know what's normal anymore or if it ever existed. I just wanted everything to end.

Sure,I loved my mates but I hated this life. There was no time for dates, or normal family outings. 

This was my first time officially meeting her parents and I killed my mom!

Take me back to where life was simple and when the only things I needed to worry about was school grades, and having the proper ingredients to make a dish.  I remember sitting on that wooden chair that Todd ( Roné's husband)  forbid me from, smiling, thinking of how great life would be when I grew up.

It was actually quite humorous.

Ha! How great my life is now! I'm a fucking dragon for christ sake! I couldn't help the chuckles that escaped me," I'm a mythical creature."

And an Angel.

The chuckles turned to giggles," what do you even call a dragons that's an angel? Dangel?"

And a Demon. 

The one who ends the turmoil of the Supernatural world,the Saviour!  I couldn't even save myself from myself.

How am I supposed to defeat a Triad, whatever that meant?

Maybe I'll offer her a feast! A large feast and hopefully when she's done eating everyone would have already vacated the pack, leaving me to die.

Maybe I was just the bloody sacrifice.

By then I was laughing hysterically rolling on the floor.

"Mama? We're coming in!"

Everything was too blurry, I could only hear my crazed laughter. At this point I had no idea why I was laughing.

Nothing was funny.

I felt a shake but I didn't want to leave, why would I leave my happiness only to be crushed my the cruelty of reality?

Eventually the shaking stopped, along with the laughter and I was back in that dark room sitting still waiting for Selene to make an entrance.

But seems like something else was planned and instead a scene began unfolding before me.

"Your beauty astounds me."

It was Nephasine, laying naked on a silk red sheet in a large bed that no had a size for accompanied by Zaar and a dark skinned beauty. Her straight long silver hair was scattered over the bed. However the large silver tattoo of the moon that covered her back stood out the most.

" I'm tired. Too tired. Let me rest Sine." She says closing her eyes.

"Yes my love, we'll rest with you. We need all the energy we have for our precious child." He kisses both of their heads, bringing their bodies closer.

I walked around the enormous room, looking for a reason for me being there. It was then I saw a  cradle in the corner of the room, near the window.

A peeked in, cooing at the beautiful baby boy tht laid asleep on the soft mattress. Such a sight he was! I could state for hours and hours, admiring his beautiful face.

"Handsome isn't he?"

There she was Selene standing right before me in the same attire as the last time," don't you change?"

"Why should I?" She laughs lightly.

"Touché my friend. So are you just going to keep on sending me of to this random places?" I said playing with the feet of the baby.

"Oh don't flatter yourself! It's a necessity. I've shown you the future and yet you doubt yourself. Maybe the past might help." She smiles.

"But still why am I here? Why this?" I didn't see how that was related to anything.


Just then a Roné or Roberts as Aura calls her comes through the window, literal walking into us , holding   a bundle in her arms. She scooped up  the baby boy, replacing him with the bundle.  With one hand, she unravelled the cloth revealing a bloodied baby, stab wounds everywhere. It was obvious that the poor thing was dead. I wanted to cry, do anything but I couldn't this was just a vision.

" That was her son,Kelaiah." Selene frowns.

"Kelaiah? But that's my name! Is that-"

"No silly, that's not you. In fact your name isn't really Kelaiah. You see Roné was mated to a middle classed man, a farmer. She was so corrupt with jealous of her sister, she was willing to sacrifice anything to destroy her happiness, even her son." She sighs.

"That's sick. How could she do that? Why would she do that just to prove some point!" My heart was filled of hatred for the woman that raised me.

" Don't be so quick to judge child. Roné was blinded by the wrong emotions, she wasn't that bad of a person. She raised you, didn't she?" She scolded.

True she was kinda fucked up but she did take care of me. I still hated her though." I guess you're right."

"Oh no. No. No. No. No!"

Nephasine was awake and beside the crib. Which meant that he had a clear vision of the dead child in there.

"How could I let this happen! Who did this? Who did this?"

Tears fell down my cheeks as I saw the father holding unto a child he thought was his , begging the Goddess to save him but it was too late.

"Selene! Save him."

I turned to the lady standing beside me," that's you, you're the Goddess." I said pointing a finger accusingly.

"Yes I am."

I was filled with rage, ready to end her myself," how could you Selene! They're babies for fucks sake! They didn't deserve it!"

"When a deer dies, the animal decomposes , fertilizing the soil. The nutrients given helps grow other plants that hundreds of other deers feed on. True, the deer dies but so much more benefits from it." She smiles,"there is a balance that must be kept. Bad things must happen for good things to come out if it."

As much as I hated to admit it,she was right," but what good thing will happen from all of this?"

"You'll see." She touched my hands ever so softly. " Now you must go. My job here is done."

"Wait! Before you go, could you atleast tell me my real name." I pleaded.



This book just keeps on getting wilder and wilder.

I'm just as surprised as you are.😩

ANYHOES...thanks for the love💞

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