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My mate was not a human.

That much was clear, but what exactly was she? I've seen witches, warlocks, angels, demons, elves, dwarfs, even dragons and not once have I seen eyes like hers. Her irises were foggy grey, and her normally black pupils were now surrounded by a red ring. I needed to find answers, by the looks of it Laiah was just as confused as I was and I didn't want her more panicked than she already is. I'll have to visit the library later or maybe my mother will know.

"Aura you've been in lala land since you sat down on the office chair. Is there something you're not telling me? "My father asks concerned.

I wanted to shout yes, maybe even cry out in frustration, but I wouldn't. He has enough on his plate with the frequent rogue attacks that were happening in the neighbouring packs. "Nothing father. I just thought that this visit would have been a peaceful one."

"I know. Hopefully this will all be over soon," he sighed.

I stared at the loving man I called father. His dark chocolate skin was now lagging, almost hanging off his face, the wrinkles near the corner of his light brown eyes were more visible and the shine of his eyes were now dulled. Life had its toll on him. " Are you okay father?"

He turned to me surprised," What do you mean?"

"Is there something wrong with asking my father if he's okay? "I asked arching a brow.

"N-no of course not darling!" He shouted as his began rubbing his left arm, trying to dust off something that wasn't even there.

That's when I knew that something was wrong. He only ever did that when he was keeping something back; werewolves were not good liars. Something was up but I won't force it out of him, he'll tell me in his own time. "Dad you're tired. Why don't you go take a nice bath and rest? The bags under your eyes are not very attractive."

" Hey now, don't be getting all bossy on me," he play growled even that sounded weaker than usual but I chose to brush it off.

"Let's not forget who the Alpha is here." I smirked pointing a finger to myself.

"You? Ha! You're just a pup! The real Alpha her is­­­­­­--."

"Me." A voice says startling us both.

"Sweetie what have I told you about scaring the shit out of me!" My father says holding his chest.

"Woman up Gerald! The issue here is that my first born came home yesterday and I have yet to see her! That's what!" she replied angrily.

Sure, an angry wolf is scary, but have you ever encountered an angry angel? That's  terrifying!

Dad is a wise man, he kept his mouth shut, waiting for anything really and I followed suite. The silence was only ever going to break when she decided. Which would probably be in 3, 2, 1.

" Why aren't you hugging your mother Aurallya Thamas Syph Andrea Aoror Tcan Bakes?" My full name was a mouthful and I hated when anyone used it but was I going to tell that to my choleric mother?

Absolutely not.

I leaped out of my hair and ran towards the 7 feet goddess I called mother. Growing up people always said that I looked a lot like her but in my opinion, I carried most of my father's characteristics. The only thing my mother and I had in common, in regards of appearance was our fair skin.

"That's better," she sighed smiling down at me.

" So how have you been? When were you going to tell me about your mate?" Nothing got past this woman! I was here for less than twenty-four hours, and she already knew all my business!

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