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Mama was knocked out. I didn't know what to think of it anymore. Was this going to be a normal thing? What if she collapsed again and never woke up?

It's scary.

I hope she's doing better than we are, currently sitting in the hospital room staring at our troubled mate. Her face was scrunched up, body rigid like she wasn't enjoying whatever was happening in her sleep.

"Oh waw, look at that!" I turned to see Bubba pointing at the golden tattoo of the sun which shown brightly on her ankles. It was stunning !

That wasn't there before," how much more is she going to change?"

"I don't know baby. Hopefully this is the last time and this thing never happens again." She sighs.

"This one isn't so bad though." I giggled tracing my hands, along the tattoo.

"No it isn't. It's almost as good as yours." She teases.

Honestly I forgot that I even had one." It's pretty cool isn't it?"

"Yup. It's pretty cool. To this day I have no idea how you knew that I was a dragon." She was awake, just like that. Staring as if she didn't had a mental breakdown a few hours ago.

"I'm sick of this!" Aura shouted.

"Sick of what?" Mama asked confused.

"Of you! Fainting and shit all the time! You think it's easy watching you like this? You think I enjoy it? You think this is fun?" She was full on shouting shaking the walls.

"Calm down Bubba," I said running her arms ,only to be pushed against the wall.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." She growled warning me to stay away.

"What's gotten to you Aura? You're acting like the same bitch I met a few months ago!" Mama shouted standing on her feet.

"Me? A bitch? You got to be fucking kidding me! So I'm the bitch now?" She looked crazed like she was about to.lose her mind.

"Look at what you did. Just look around you Aura."

The entire room was trashed , papers everywhere, along with the flowers we bought in ruins on the floor.

Bubba looked ashamed." I'm sorry."

"Me too baby. I'm so sorry but I don't plan these things but it only ever happens when Selene summons me." She explains.

"Wait, selene as in the goddess Selene?"I've heard stories about her but my mate here actually saw her.


"What's she like?" Aura asks.

"She's annoying as hell." She groans shaking her head .

"That's not a very nice thing so say." I frowned.

"But it's true." She laughs.

It was nice hearing her normal laugh, not the crazed one from a few hours ago. Bubba lips copied the bright smile o of hers and I couldn't help myself from smiling. This was our little happy moment. It didn't happen to often, not with all this craziness happening.

"I need to go visit my sister." She says killing the moment.

"We're coming." I said speaking up.

"Actually I think I'll stay here with the pack." Bubba says.

"What? Why? I wanted you both to come with me. I can't watch over you guys from all the way in Canada." Mama frowns.

"The pack needs me with all what's going on. I need to ensure that everyone is prepared and safe." I could see it in here eyes that she really wanted to come but her duties as the Alpha is important to her.

"You don't need to be here. You've got your siblings and your parents to run the pack. I'm sure they'd be okay." Laiah reasons.

But her mind was already made up," it's my duty." When are you guys leaving?"

"Tonight. The faster we leave the faster we get there and solve this Saka issue."

Wow . That soon?

"I'm gonna miss you guys." She smiles sadly." Come I've got somewhere to show you guys before I— you leave."

Strange it almost sounded like she was leaving and not us. Maybe it was just my imagination.

"Okay. Where are we going?" She asks curiously.

"Just follow me." She stretches her hands to hold Mama and another for me to take.

No words were said as we followed her out the hospital to the forest. After 10 minutes of walking the silence was getting to me.

"You're really not going to tell us where we're going?"

"We're here."she laughs stopping at the entrance of a cave.

"So this is it? You're finally gonna get rid of us?"Laiah jokes.

"Oh be quiet you too. This is my cave, my haven. I haven't been here for a while but I did promise myself that not would be the place where I seal it off with my mates." She smiles sadly pulling us into the cave.

It was beautiful.

I was expecting a normal cave, with bats, and maybe even a bear but this was just different.

Lights were hanging from the roof giving the room a nice rainbow glow. Teal cloured love seats were spread all over the large area. There was even a book shelf and a few pictures of random things of nature. But the most spectacular thing ever was the emerald pool in the center of it all." Where did you find this place?"

"It's been in the family for centuries. Isn't it amazing?"

I always love when she spoke so fondly of her family. Laiah and I weren't as lucky as she was to have such an amazing and accepting family so it was nice to listen to.

" Why don't you have a seat? Aera and I  need a moment." She says ushering me to next to the pool.

I was confused as hell but followed none the less.

Then she began stripping her clothes, explosing her goddess body. I followed unaware of what exactly was happening.

She held my hands and brought me into the pool. Surprisingly it was warm and not deep at all.

We were in the center of the pool staring at her sad eyes." What's wrong bubba?"

"Gosh. You're so beautiful." She smiles teary eyed.

A blush made way to my already rosey cheeks." Thanks." I muttered staring down.

"Hey, hey. Keep that pretty head of yours high. You'll be the perfect Luna. Compassionate. Caring. Sweet. The perfect mother. Take care of our mate for me." She reaches out, running her hands through my hair," I'm gonna miss you."

"We'll only be gone a week." I cooed." You could still come with us."

She shook her head and pressed her lips against mine.

We've kissed on numerous occasions but this one felt different this one felt like goodbye for good and I didn't like the feeling at all.

Then suddenly I hear the water splashing, Laiah literally dived into the water wrapping her large arms around our bodies, pulling us closer." We're gonna be okay."

And for the first time I didn't believe her.


Missed me?

I'm so sorry I'm just always tired these days 😭

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