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I've always envisioned the moment where I'd meet my mate's parents.
We'd probably have some dinner, drink some beer, laugh, maybe they'd show me some embarrassing video or picture of them and we'll all laugh and have a good time.

Yeah that obviously isn't the case.

Laiah was glaring at her mother. If looks could kill, Robert will be long dead.

Not that I'd mind.

How was  that even possible? Every adult on this table who knew Robert knew that she was Infertile so how could she possibly be the biological mother of Laiah?

Maybe she wasn't.

That made more sense.

" Why don't you take the first sip Robert." She insisted now smiling ever so sweetly.

It was safe to say that their relationship was based on anything but love. There was nothing sweet about it.

Moments ago Laiah made a few demands in the mind link that she created. She knew something was up.

Everyone else was silent, waiting on something big to happen and that's when Daisy began to bawl.

"Daddy! Papa!" She cried.

This child deserves an award for her spectacular acting skills. It hasn't been a minute and there was already big fat tears streaming down her red face.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" Her father asked rushing to her side.

"Cartoons." She cried.

"Urhh! You spoil your children!" Roberts sneered looking at the little girl with distaste.

"It's fine Papa, I'll go get the cartoons. Anyone else wanna watch?" Rogie said blinking his eyes s bit.

"Bubba can I go too?" Aera asked.

"Go ahead baby."Laiah smiled pecking her on the lips.

All the kids followed him leaving the dining room filled of adults.

"Great, adults only!" She smiles happy with how things turned out.

Laiah was as equally happy." Why don't I make a toast. For finding happiness." She stood up  turning to Robert." The wine would do just fine."

"But I'm always the  toaster!" The lady says eyes wild almost as if she was afraid of something.

"Exactly! Why don't you give Laiah s chance, after all she is your daughter." Mother says.

My family stared at our long time ', friend' expectingly.

She draw a long shaky breath," maybe Peril isn't the best option for tonight. Maybe we should have some Monkey Wine it's cheap but it's just as good. I think I have some in the car, let me go ch—” she began to stand up but was bounded down to the chair by some invisible force.

"Sit Mother."  And that invisible force was my mate."Why aren't you planning Gems wedding?"

Robert laughs in disbelief," really Laiah! I'm all tied up because of this!"

"Answer me!" She growled her nails elongated.

"Relax love. The wedding already did take place earlier than she should have but alas on the night of the honeymoon he passed away. Not that I'd expect you to know since you never involve yourself with  your family!" She cried, a tear rolling down her face.

"Why are you here then? Shouldn't you be with your grieving daughter?" She asks narrowing her eyes at her.

"She pregnant and wanted space. What more could I do but follow her wishes?"

Laiah slammed her head on the table repeatedly," when. Will. You. Ever. Speak. The. Truth!"

" Release me you beast!" Everyone watched as she struggled against the invisible grip with face covered in blood.

"Who are you and what do you want with my family?" Her voice had deepened and her eyes bad hair glowed just like my spirit did when she called me family.

"W-what are you talking about Laiah? I am your family?"she stuttered.

"Enough with the act Roné! I remember. I remember Jade. Ruth. Tad." She said scooting down to reach her level." I remember everything."

Who was these people?

"I did tell her to get rid of them before I did. Gem just never listens."she smirks.

"Why?" Laiah asked.

"Easy. Wealth, status, power." She says staring coldy.

"That makes no sense! You already have those things." Laiah says narrowing her eyes at Robert.

"Ha! I do now but not always. As I child i never really had anything. My entire family was filled of servants. There was no Christmas, no birthday presents... Nothing!"she growled remembering her  youth," I had a sister, it was two of us against the world or so I thought. We'd plan to escape, that day, two of us but she backed out when she found her mates. Two Kings, Nephasine, King of Dragons and Azar, King of Demons which could only mean one thing, my darling sister was a triad! At first I wasn't too angry, how could I be? My sister had power which meant that my life would have been easier. Or so I thought!"she scoffs.

"I was forgotten. Her life went on happy as ever. She left with her mates and I was stuck as a maid. Years passed and I waited, waited patiently but she never came. I was filled with rage and burning hatred and planned for weeks on how I'd ruin her life and I did."

"What does that have to do with poisoning my mates family?"Laiah growled .

She was going to kill us!

"Why? What have we ever done to you?" Father cried.

"Oh not worry your foolish little head Andrew! It's nothing personal." She tsk." In fact it wasn't at all for you. It was for Laiah."

I growled standing up ready to kill this bitch but was held back by Aera.


"Sweetie don't be upset!' she pouted," I'm just finishing what I started," She smiled." As for your little family, I never really planned on killing them all but I knew eventually they'd figure out that I was the one responsible for your deaths and  I couldn't risk it but somehow you found out. Tell me Laiah how did you do it?

"You're not my mother." She states ignoring her questions.

"Bingo! You're so slow sometimes but who could blame you. After erasing your memory I had full control over you and your thoughts."

"You! It was you on the car! It was you tormenting me all along!' Laiah leaped forward grabbing Robert by her neck." I'll fucking kill you!"

"Y-you can't! S-s-he couldn't a-nd y-ou won't."she says between gasps for air.

Laiah released her, simply glaring at the bounded woman, anger no longer on her eyes in fact she looked drained and tired of it all.

"I knew you were a coward." Robert teases." Like mother like daughter."

Little did she know those would have been her last words.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait. Literally just got back from prison.😬

But I hope you enjoyed.

Regular updates are back!

And thanks alot for 5k😭😭😭💞💞

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