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This part is dedicated to PrezidentMemeLord

"Babe, please wake up."

I don't know long it's been since I've been here but I've been hearing Aura's faded voice constantly. I attempted to respond to her but soon realized that she couldn't hear me. The options here were slim , I eventually concluded that trying was useless so I stayed there unmoving in the dark.

"I need you, we need you, "she said again.

"We? Who needs me?" I shouted, temporarily forgetting that she couldn't respond because she couldn't hear me.

"Your mater, the world...everyone." A different voice answered. From the sounds of it they were right besides me, wherever this was.

"And who are you? "I sighed.

"Selene." Great, another one.

"Bye Selene. "I wasn't in the mood for anymore mystical shit.

"How will you leave then? "She laughs.

"I won't." The outside world was too crazy for me.

"Have a little faith in me child." She frowns.

"Faith? In you? Where were you when I was bawling my eyes out in my room hating myself for being a burden to my perfect family? Where were you when I was begging to be saved? Where the fuck were you when I was struggling to remain alive? So don't go telling me about putting faith in you. I don't even know you so fuck off Selene!"

" I'm glad you got that off your chest darling. " She smiles." I was always there but I wasn't the one you were looking for. I wasn't the one you wanted help from but whether you like it or not I'm here before you now. Many would kill to be in your position right now; you're in a better place than you think."

Who does Selene think she is coming into my life, disturbing my peace." As I said earlier, goodbye."

"That's an impressive dragon you got there, "she said ignoring my demands to be left alone.

"Dragon?" I was now confused. "I was completely surrounded by darkness so if there is a dragon, I won't see it."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, "she giggles clapping three times. The room was now filled with light and I could now clearly see the beautiful woman who stood by me.

Her silver hair flew shamelessly in the non-existent wind, matching eyes stared at me in amusement. And her face, God her face! How blessed she must be to have such a flawless face! Everything about this woman screamed perfect.

"I hope you're not checking me out," she laughs.

"You've said it yourself woman, I've got a mate. Now, tell me who exactly are you and why am I here?"

She took a deep breath, leaped unto my back but strangely I didn't feel a thing. I didn't question it; stranger things happened.

"There is something I must show you. Spread your wings child!"

The audacity!" I don't know if you noticed but I can't fly. I'm not a bird." This woman was really insane.

"No, you're not a bird. You're a dragon."

A mirror magically appeared from nowhere and I was lost for words as I stared at my reflection. I've been told on numerous occasions that I was a dragon shifter, even saw a dragon but I still didn't believe that I could actually transform into one. But there I stood on my four feet, in my all black scaley glory with a model on my back. Never in my wildest imagination did I could even predict a future like this. "Why didn't I feel the shift?"

"It's not a painful process. Now come fly away with me." She says.

I closed my eyes, and found myself surrounded by clouds, dark grey clouds that burnt my nostrils. Something was on flames. As my body lowered my vision was cleared. There was something about the large brick house, scattered cabins and field that seemed familiar.

People were screaming, children, babies, mothers, everyone was on fire.

What happened?

Who did this?

I didn't want to be here.

I didn't want to witness this.

I was about it ask to leave when I heard a cry that sounded a lot like Aura. I flew quickly to the center of the field and nearly threw up on sight! People were walking on dead bodies, desperate to escape. There was so much sadness, fear and despair radiating from everyone; it was almost suffocating. Well, all except one woman would stood content, relived and happy in the further corner with her back facing me.

She was having a conversation with my ever so beautiful Aera who looked tired, sick even. I ran towards her trying to reach out to her but my body passed right through and it was as if she didn't even notice my presence.

"Thanks to your mate, I've averaged my love. I can now die at peace." The woman said right before stabbing a beaten up and weak Aura in her chest.

" Help her! Help her!"I cried, begging the lady who sat unphased on my scaley back.

"Look." She says climbing off.

The unidentified woman then began glowing with a grey hue. I watched as her body slowly disintegrated into dust. As if on que, the forest floor shook and the few houses that remained fell to the ground taking the survivors with them.

I turned back to the horrid murder scene when I heard a different cry. A petite boy came running towards Aura crying as he knelt down besides her. " No. No. No. No. You can't die! Laiah, where are you? Where the fuck are you!"

He must have been someone I knew if he was this upset. Where was I? Why wasn't I there with my mate? " Please, get me out of here, "I pleaded.

Selene stared with a blank expression; she was numb to it all. Did she not know how painful it was to watch my lifeless mate? How could she do this to me?" Why?" I asked. There has to be an explanation for this added trauma.

"This is what happens without you if you decide to abandon your people and your destiny. I know it is a lot but you wouldn't have been chosen if you weren't strong enough. You are strong! The supernatural world needs you. It's all in your hands."

All my life I've wanted to know my purpose; to find why I was put on this Earth and now that I've found it I wish things were back to the way it was. It seems no matter the situation my wants were ignored to sustain other's needs. As selfish as it sounds, it's the truth. I was going to help Selene and the supernaturals to victory; I had to.

" Are you ready Laiah?" Selene asks.

Was I ready? Definitely not.

The real question is am I going to allow a woman to kill my mate and everything I love? I turned to Selene more determined than I've ever been in my entire life," Bring it on bitch."

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