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My mind was an abstract painting of Gold and Black. It was really beautiful, exotic. I've heard stories about people who collapsed, saying that it was only darkness but that was not the case or maybe it's different for everyone. Either that or it was just my imagination.

"Oh it's real, very real. And it's not the your mind, it's just your supernatural colour."

I turned to see a very tall, slender man with long green straight hair. He was wrapped skillfully in green snake skin cloth. " Who are you and what is supernatural colour?" His voice sounded so familiar.

He rolled his snake looking eyes," Nice to meet your bestie?"

"Azar?" He was real?

"The one and only," he smirks.

I ran towards him embracing him in a hug.

"Well that's strange. I wouldn't expect you to hug a demon." He states.
"Demon?" Demons aren't real."

"Oh really? So I'm fake? You going through someone's body was unreal?" He raised a brow.

"Wait, I'm a demon? But I'm so nice, I swear! I've never stole anything beside cookies from the pantry and I'm a demon? So this means that I'm dead? I died and went to hell!" I cried. 

" Calm down Laiah," he laughed." First off that's not how it works. True, there's heaven and hell but only demons and angels can go there. Not the angels that humans made up, those who are born angels and demons. I was the son of the Demon King Farrouk and his mate Rae therefore I'm a demon. Second off, this is not hell. Your body went into a mini coma. We went a little overboard with the Tobias thing and it caused a certain part of you to awaken. Your body is now preparing for your transition from human to supernatural."

"Should I be jealous?" Someone says interrupting his explanation.

"Nephasine why are you here? I thought you were with Zaar?" He asked the muscular man with black everything. His pupils were entirely black, his hair was long and the darkest black I've ever seen. He chest was bare and he wore nothing but a black leather pants.

"I didn't come here willingly, I was summoned. "He says with his way too deep voice.

"Summoned by who?" Azar says releasing himself from my grasp.

"The goddess. Duh! Who else?" This one was very sassy.

"That makes no sense," Azar whispered." She only ever sends one guardian per being."

"I'm as confused as you are." The man named Nephasine says.

"What's going on?" I finally decided to ask.

"Two guardians were sent to you. Two past Kings at that? Exactly who are you?' he says squinting his eyes at me.

"I don't know," I sighed. I really didn't know. Why me? Why now?

"Babe? What are you guys doing here? I thought only one guardian was sent to a being?" Another man appeared but he was different he was beautiful with his white hair, blue eyes and feminine features. Surprisingly he wore a dress, a floral sundress but it suited him.

"Three Kings? What the fuck? What are you?" He repeated.

"Who are you?" I asked finally.

"I thought we already introduced ourselves?" Zaar says tilting his head to the side.

"I meant who are these guys? Why now? And what the fuck is happening?" I screamed frustrated.

"Calm down woman. We'll explain." Azar says acting like he didn't already owed me one.

"We're guardians." He says plainly.

Really? That's it?" Explain. Guardians of what?"

"If you'd wait for him to finish. You'd probably know the answer by now," Neph mutters annoyed.

" I never did like men." I growled glaring at him.

"Shut up! I'm trying to explain here!"

That was enough to shut us up and all eyes went back to Azar.

"Now that everyone is quiet, I can proceed with my explanation. When people die they turn into spirits or as humans like to call them stars. We are stars."

"Oh my God! You died!" I cried out interrupting.

"Yes," he answered with a sad smile. "Anyway, as I was saying. Before supernatural beings transform into their true form at eighteen years old a spirit is sent to awaken their inner beast. I guess you're a special case. Kings are only summoned for Kings or powerful beings  and there hasn't been monarchy for decades. So it's already odd that we're here but THREE of different species! That's extra."

"Are you done now? Can I say what the Goddess told me?" Zaar says impatiently.

"The Goddess spoke to you?" He says turning to I'm guessing his lover.

"Don't act surprised. I'm an angel for fucks sake!" Well that's one badass angel." Anyways as I was saying. I was told that Ms. Three Kings over here is actually a Queen of a sort, a rare kind. She's a Hybrid of all of our species. "

" Hold up so you're telling me that Laiah is a Dragon, Demon and Angel?" Azar  interrupts.


"But that's impossible! There have been different species paired together and never once had they made a hybrid! The dominant genes always won." Neph exclaims.

"Exactly. They are all dominant." Zaar replies calmly.

"Nephasine was a past Dragon King, Zaar was the King of Angels and I was the Demon King so we were far too powerful to be placed in a creature, even when placed individually. Now here were are , three kings sent to train one measly girl."

He was right. This didn't make any sense and it was all too much for me right now. All I wanted  was to go back home to Aura." How do I leave this place?"

"You can't really leave until the training is over." Neph replies.

"I can and I will!" I stomped my feet in protest.

"I'm soo sorry Laiah but it's too late. The process has already began. You can't leave now , not yet,"Azar says.

If Azar said that I couldn't get out I completely believed him. From the moment he spoke to me he'd never one lied or say something untrue." Fine. How long will it take?"

"Three days."

Great just great. Three days in my head with three spirits who were supposed to train me." Do you know what you are training me for?

Neph frowned," no we don'. It's more of an awakening. What we do know is that you must be very important and powerful."

Important? Ha.

Powerful? Ha. Ha.

I'm none of these things, if my parents could hear them now , they'd be dying with laughter!

Wait! My parents! Did they know what I was becoming? Will they still love me?

"Azar what am I?" I asked first.

"You're a demon, angel and dragon hybrid," he says in a flat tone.

A demon? I guess my mother was right!" Wait if I'm a A.D.D hybrid what exactly are my parents? And what about my sister and other siblings?"

" You'll have to find out yourself after this." Zaar smiles. 

"So when does it start?" I asked already bored.

"Urmm..as soon as you die." Neph smirks.



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