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I was done waiting. It's been an hour! I knew women took long to dress but this was overdoing it!

I was fully dressed, sitting on the sofa waiting for this girl, it's time I checked on her. I raced up the stairs calling ," AERA! HURRY!"

No answer.

"AERA!" I called as I burst through her door.  Everything was the same since I left. The letter was on the bed, the gown, everything. Something was definitely wrong. I raced to the bathroom door expecting to see her, sitting on the toilet or something. The only indication of she being her was her clothes crumbled on the floor." Aera? Honey?"

I shifted the shower curtain and immediately rushed to the seemingly dead Aera leaning forward to touch her. But she remained unmoving. " Aera! Aera!"

"I'm fine. " She muttered as she slowly raised from her spot.

"I thought you were dead!" I cried touching her cold skin to ensure that she was indeed right.

"I've never felt more alive." She sighed," now help me up, they're probably wondering where we are."

"Actually no, I called them not too long ago, they're probably on their way here worried as hell. I just hope that they brought back something to eat, I'm starving."

Just then the room door burst open and the two rushed into the bathroom." Where is she? Is she okay? Baby?"

It was admirable how they were all caring towards each other.

I was brushed aside as they crawled down to ensure that their mate was okay," I'm fine Bubba."

Such simple words was enough to send Aura is a fit of tears. She turned to Laiah," she called me bubba."

"Yes she did." Laiah smiled bringing them all closer together.

For the first time in a long while I felt myself craving that enternal love, wanting nothing more for someone to mend me. Sure I loved being a Guardian Angel, helping people in need but it wasn't enough. As much as I hate it, I needed someone. They didn't seem unfaithful, the love was uncorrupt.

"I love you, I love you both." Aera whispered staring at her mates in awe.

"We love you more." The answered both fitting their heads in the crook of her neck.

It was becoming unbearable and I couldn't stay any longer," I'll take my leave now."

I stood up, dusting my knees as Made way to leave.

"Why? Where are you going? We have some dinner on the counter." Laiah offered.

"I think I need a breather."

I raced out the house and sat in idling vehicle that Aura must have left on thinking about everything but nothing at all.

"It'll be fine. I'm good on my own." I tried convincing myself.

But it wasn't working anymore, the lie had run it's course. I needed someone,I needed help, I needed love.

"It isn't real. Love isn't real. Love isn't real." I chanted as I turned of the ignition and left the vechile, deciding that it's better to walk.

It felt good, the cold wind on my cheek. Some say the world is scarier at night but there's an air about the night that makes it all more beautiful.

I stared at the buildings that were so far apart, seemingly owned by rich celebrities. I walked and walked until I found myself near a supermarket. Maybe I could get something there.

I opened the door, entering the large space filled of busy people. Everything seemed normal, everyone seemed normal but I knew better. I passed each aisle keeping to myself until I inhaled a scent of honey and cinnamon.

"It's probably the cereals." I thought out loud but as I moved closer and closer to the check out the scent grew stronger.

I grabbed a few M&M's and placed it on the counter." Sup." I greeted.

"Hello, good evening." The guy says. Everything was quiet as he scanned the items but as I was about to leave I was graced with a god's presence. From his silver grey eyes, to his white locs, he was simply immaculate.

"Have you seen my bag? I can remember if I left it there." He says to the cashier before turning to me and said " Oh sorry for disturbing, this should be real quick."

"It's fine." I smiled involuntarily.

"There you go sir." The cashier says as he handed the honey and cinnamon smelling bag to the guy. You could tell it was his bag, they smelled the same.

"Well have a great evening." He says as he turns to leave.

"Have a great life." I said as I forced myself to move.

"Goddess why?" I asked staring up at the sky."and a human? After everything you gave me a human?"

This was just all too much, maybe if I pretend it doesn't exist then I'll be okay.


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