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I was probably going to get my ass beat by the Goddess but I couldn't care less.

This was not at all how this was supposed to go. I was meant to be the guy they fucked on the plane and brought home , thinking that we're mates because of the connection that we have. Then when we get back to their pack, I was supposed to 'die' in the battle protecting  Aera and go right back to the clouds, assigned to a new person. Since this one is clearly protected.

Each supernatural is given a guardian angel at birth. Their existence is usually unknown since we're mostly in spirit form but when the time comes we show ourselves, helping them in their time of need. Sometimes our help in refused, other times it is accepted but they never truly remember you because that's law.

"Why am I here?" I heard her say, switching from her sleeping positions on the car seat.

"We're going shopping." I smiled

"I don't want to go shopping with you." She growled.

"What else would you rather do with me?" I winked.

She ignored me as expected and it was quite amusing." What's wrong honey?"

She scrunched up her brow in question." Honey?"

"And you can call me bear." I smirked .

"What? Why?. " She scoffs.

"Because I'd love to eat you." I winked at my terrible pick up line.

"Eat me? You wanna e— oh." A blush formed on her cheeks in realization." Hmmp! Well that'll be a first."

"You've never gotten eaten out?" I asked in disbelief as I waited at the traffic.

"Nope." She says frowning.

"Not even once! You've got two mates! None has eaten you out?" This was shocking to hear. Shame on you Aura and Laiah.

"DON'T YOU THINK I FUCKING KNOW THAT!",she cried in anger." I've been with them for months and none fucked me. Both have dicks and I have yet to be fucked! Aura is pregnant! And they never told me. They knew but never told me. They wanted to keep the good news all to themselves. I thought when we went at the pool that this would have been it. That we'd finally seal the bond. But I guess I'm just not enough. Maybe they can't love me."

"Aww sweety they could never not love you. The Goddess chose you as mates. You'll be fine love." I tried soothing her.

"You're one to talk! You just met and they fucked you. I can smell them on you. It's pretty faint for a mate mark but it's there.  Strangely I don't hate you, maybe jealous but I don't hate you." She says.

"Well people can't really hate me. I'm a gentle angel, a guardian angel actually. And I'm not mated to them, I have a special connection with Aura and you guys are my plus 2. Well no. I only have a plus one since you're not mated." She stared at me blankly.

"Shit I'm do sorry. I'm sure you guys will be mated soon." I smiled encouragingly," you should be happy though. I sacrificed being mated and happy to help other people in life; like your mate Aura."

"What do you mean you sacrificed your mate?" We asked confused.

"Well. Guardian Angels are usually unmated, widows/widowers or rejected angels that decides to help others rather than commit suicide ." I explained.

"How is that even possible? I'd kill myself if I was in one of those situations." She frowns.

"We're fine. All the excessive training really helps you forget." I shrugged.

"So which one are you?" She asks after a long pause.

"When last have you freed your beast?"I asked changing the topic.

"It's been so long."she groans.

"Then we shall do that."

She smiled facing the window. I guess I made it a bit better.

An hour passed and I've been to three different malls but each marking space was occupied and there was nowhere to go." Is there a holiday that I was unaware of?"

"Don't know, don't care. All I want is a box of supreme pizza, 50 snicker bar and a huge ass tube of cookies and cream ice cream." She moaned which I had to admit was sexy as fuck.

"I'll get you the stuff." I grined, speeding off to Goddess knows where. Luckily we found a mini mart that was not as stuffed as everywhere else. " I'll be back soon."

I grabbed the wallet I was given and walked to the store, filling the basket with enough junk for a depressed woman and heading right back to the car.

"Missed me?" I smirked.

"You wish! Where's my snack?" She pouted.

"Here it is." I handed her the large bag of things that I bought and went down to the driver's seat.

"You're not so bad." She smiles as she bit into the chocolate bar.

I guess food can really change a person's  attitude." I'm amazing...or so I've been hearing."

"Whatever. Where do we go to next?" She asks tilting her head to the side looking as adorable as ever.

"We're going into the woods."


I want to write a story for Riley so bad😭😭. I think that it'll be interesting.

Should I do it?

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