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'I hope nothing crazy happens today and Hera needs to calm down before someone gets hurt.'
After that Mr.Aizawa told us that we need to vote for a Class president. Now everyone wants to be in charge.
"Mineta, you can't be the class president." Hera said.
"Why?" Mineta asked.
"Because you're a f-"
Hera didn't finish her sentence because Iida covered her mouth and made a valid point about the responsibility of being class president but he's raising his hand because he wants to be the class president. Now we have to vote for Class President.
'Oh No, Hera hates being interrupted.'
"Ah Iida, you should remove your hand from Hera's mouth before she bites you."
Iida removed his hand but Hera wasn't angry at him, she flipped me off.
"Sorry Hera."
20 minutes later
"What?! Who voted for Deku?!" Bakugo yelled.
'What, I'm the class president now?'
"Did you really think that anyone would vote for you?" Mina asked.
"Can someone explain why am I the Vice President?" Hera asked.
"Your votes tied with Momo, she agreed that you could take the job and you can help your brother." Kirishima replied.
"Great, more stuff to worry about." Hera said.
A couple of hours later
Now, it's lunch time and I can't relax. Iida explained that he voted for me because he was impressed with how I passed the entrance exam and Hera is still trying to figure out how she got 5 votes.
"Congratulations Izuku." Hera said.
'What am I going to do? Iida should be the class president, not me.'
​​​​​​​"Thanks I guess. How do you feel about being the Vice President?"
"I'm surprised that anyone voted for me. Ever since we came to this school, I've been screaming, punching and kicking our classmates a**** during training." Hera replied.
"I voted for you Hera." Uraraka said.
"Why?" Hera asked.
"A lot of the girls have said that you would be a better choice because you're not afraid of anything and are stronger than any of us." Uraraka replied.
"We all think you're cool." Kirishima said.
"Actually, I thought that you guys didn't like me." Hera said.
'Hera has bad experience with making new friends.'
"Why would you think that?" Iida asked.
"Iida, I've threatened to shove my foot so far up your a** because you insulted my brother in front of the whole school. Uraraka, I yelled at you for not protecting Izuku from Bakugo. so far I've beaten Tokoyami, Denki and Mineta." Hera replied.
'When did she beat up Mineta?'
​​​​​​​"Wait when did you beat up Mineta?" Kirishima asked.
"After Battle training because he wouldn't stop staring at my chest."Hera replied.
"Is that why there was a burn mark around his neck?"
"No, that was a choke bruise but I did threaten to rip his eyeballs out if he looks at me again." Hera replied.
"That sounds horrible." Kirishima said.
"Hera, you really need to calm down." Iida said.
"Don't start jud-"
An alarm started going off, we were all confused about it until one of the seniors told us that it means there is an intruder in the school and now everyone (excepted Hera) is panicking.
"Guys, it's just those damn reporters again. I think I see the guy that I knocked out." Hera said.
"We need to tell the students." Iida said.
"How? Everyone is freaking out."
"I have an idea." Hera said.
'What is Hera's idea? I hope it doesn't involve beating students.'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now