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The Next Day
'First time hanging out with a guy who isn't my bro. I have my wallet,

house keys, cellphone

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house keys, cellphone

house keys, cellphone

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and pepper spray.

Mom worries too much but she cares

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Mom worries too much but she cares.'
"Hera, there a guy outside with a cherry blossom bouquet." Mom said.

"Are you going on a date?" Izuku asked

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"Are you going on a date?" Izuku asked.
"I'm just hanging out with Kirishima because he wants to thank me for saving him from that zero pointer that you destroyed."
Kirishima gave my mom the bouquet and promised to bring me home before sundown.
"Why did you give my mom a bouquet?"
"I thought she would love it and I was nervous about meeting your family." Kirishima replied.
'Guess he's nervous about hanging out with a girl that he just met.'
"What do you want to do today?"
"I was thinking about going to see a movie." Kirishima replied.
We went to the local movie theater that was by the mall.
"Should we see Unfriended or Nerve?"
"I've seen Nerve and it's mostly a crazy game of Truth or Dare." Kirishima replied.
"Was it good enough to watch again or bad that you wouldn't want to watch it ever?"
"I would say it was intense and good enough to see again." Kirishima replied.
"Okay Nerve it is."
'I hope this movie doesn't suck.'
2 hours later
"Crazy Truth or Dare game, you were right Kirishima."
"First time I saw this movie, I shouted 'What' when the girl was shot." Kirishima said.
"That must have blown your mind, when it was staged so the game could end before someone was actually killed."
"Yeah it did, I'm hungry now." Kirishima said.
"Cafe or diner?"
"Cafe, I want some coffee." Kirishima said.
"Okay but I'm buying."
"No, I invited you to spend time with me so I'll buy lunch." Kirishima said.
We made it to the Cafe and it was quiet except for the coffee machine making noises.
'So far I'm having a good day. I hope nothing crazy happens.'
"Hera, do you think I pass the exam?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah, you probably destroyed enough of those fake villains before that zero pointer showed up. If you saved any of the examiners then you'll get rescue points."
"How many did you rescue?" Kirishima asked.
"You and 6 other people. Kirishima move a little closer to me."
"Why?" He asked.
"There's a guy with a knife and he's threatening the cashier. Call the police."

'I have a pack of cigarettes and my lighter

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'I have a pack of cigarettes and my lighter.'

Kirishima grabbed his phone but the guy saw it

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Kirishima grabbed his phone but the guy saw it. He tried to attack Kirishima but I grabbed my chair and hit him with it. It knocked him out but I broke the chair.
"Kirishima, did you call the police?"
"Yes." Kirishima replied.
"Sorry about the chair. Sarah I'll pay you back for it."

"Thank you Hera

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"Thank you Hera." Sarah said.
"You know the cashier?" Kirishima asked.
"I met her a year ago with my other friend."
Since I broke the chair, I just sat on the guy while drinking the rest of my coffee.
"Get off of me!" The guy yelled.
"No, you are my chair now. So shut up, Kirishima what else do you want to talk about?"
"How are you so cool?" Kirishima asked.
"I don't tolerate bulls*** from anyone especially pathetic excuses of villains like this guy that I'm sitting on."
"Hey, I'll have you know that I've beaten a couple of heros in fights before I came here." The guy said.
"You hear that Kirishima? Apparently this guy is a giant bullying and a idiot thief. Can you pass me the egg sandwich?"
'when will the cops get here?'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now