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Mari's POV
'I can't believe that we just met Endeavor!'
"Come on Mari, we have to check on them before they have to do another match." Hera said.
"I still can't believe that we met Endeavor. He's awesome."
"Not to me, his main focus is his son. Now he may try to have me work with him in the future because Shoto hasn't used his fire abilities." Hera said.
"You're lucky that he's in the same class with you."
"Not really. 2 weeks ago, he helped me fight some villains during our hero training class and now he's acting like a jerk." Hera said.
'Maybe he's acting like this because his father is watching him.'
"It sounds like you're worried about him."
"I am worried. He's changed, you saw what he did to Sero during their match." Hera said.
We checked on the boys, they were still knocked out.
"Tetsutetsu, can you hear me?"
"Mari, they are both knocked out." Hera said.
"Tetsutetsu told me that my voice can wake him up from a coma."
"I think he said that to you because he likes the sound of your voice." Hera said.
'Tetsu likes the sound of my voice?'
Recovery Girl came in, told us that she'll wake them up before their next match starts.
'Doesn't Hera's match start next?'
"Hera isn't your match with Jeff next?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot. Mari, what are you going to do?" Hera asked.
"I'll watch over the boys & your match from here."
Hera ran back to the stadium, Jeff was already waiting for her at the field but he looks angry.
'Jeff don't do anything stupid.'
10 minutes later

"Give Up Already!" Jeff yelled

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"Give Up Already!" Jeff yelled.
"If Hime gets badly hurt in this match, I'll destroy that guy!" Kirishima yelled.
"Calm down dude." Tetsu said.
"Don't tell me to calm down. Your girlfriend isn't getting drowned by water in mid-air!" Kirishima yelled.
'Kirishima & Hera are dating?'
Jeff is trying to drown Hera so she can forfeit the match but she's holding her breath & remaining calm.
'I guess Hera prepared herself for this situation.'
"I think your girl just flipped Jeff off." Tetsu said.
"Yeah she did. Looks like he lost concentration."
After Hera was out of the water, she punched Jeff in the face then grabbed him & threw him in the wall of the bleachers.
"Never do that again!" Hera yelled.
'Thank God she's safe.'

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