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29 minutes later
Before another team could take any points from me, I turned my flames into wings and flew in the air above my team.
"Ha, you all suck except for my brother & friends!"
"Hey!" Bakugo yelled.
"Hey Flame Girl!" Jeff yelled.
'What does this a**hole want? Wait a minute is that water?'
He shot a water bullet at me and tried to take my points but I kicked him in the face.
"Work more on your aim a**hole!"
The alarm ringed, somehow my team came in second and the team that Jeff was on got fourth place.
"Wait a minute, who took the ten million points?"
"Iida took them about 10 minutes before you flew in the air." Izuku replied.
"I could've sworn that I had the points. What the hell?"
"Don't worry Hera, Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to get us more points." Uraraka replied.
After that we were told that we have an hour for lunch.
"Thank God, I was getting hungry."
Before I could enjoy my lunch, Momo came running & grabbed me.
"Momo, what the hell?!"
"Mineta & Kaminari said that all the girls have to participate in a cheerleader event." Momo replied.
"As I said before, what the hell? I'm not wearing no damn cheerleader outfit!"
50 minutes later

"As I said before, what the hell? I'm not wearing no damn cheerleader outfit!" 50 minutes later

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"You guys tricked us?!" Momo shouted.
"I'm embarrassed." Uraraka said.
'I'm going to f****** kill those two!'
"Hera, you okay?" Jiro asked.
"I'm fine. Why?"
"You're pom-poms are on fire." Jiro replied.
'Oh they are on fire. Maybe I could use these.'
"Mineta! Kaminari!"
I threw my pom-poms at them and they started to run away.
"I still haven't kicked your a**** yet! But I will do it after the festival!"
"Ah, Hera?" Izuku asked.
"Why are you in a cheerleader outfit?" Izuku asked.
"Mineta & Kaminari lied to Momo and now the girls of class 1-A are in stupid cheerleader outfits! I'm going to set their a**** on fire later."
After that embarrassing moment, we were told that the next event is some scavenger hunt. All of the girls decided to change back into their gym clothes.
'Good I can get out of this stupid thing.'
Before I could leave someone grabbed me and put me on their shoulders.
"I got the first item!" Tetsutetsu shouted.
"Tetsutetsu, you have five seconds before I kick your a**."
"It saids.." Tetsutetsu said.
"I was suppose to find a cheerleader." Tetsutetsu said.
"I'm sorry." Tetsutetsu said.
"Three, Two, One!"
I kneed him in the face. His nose started to bleed.
"Ow, my nose." Tetsutetsu said.
After I did that, more guys tried to grabbed me because of this stupid scavenger hunt and I kicked their a****.
"Hey Midnight, did you make this stupid suggestion?!"
"Yes, I thought it would be fun." Midnight replied.
"It's not!"
"Hera." Eijiro said.
"I can get your gym clothes from the girls. So that way people can stop." Eijiro said.
"Fine but hurry. I'm starting to get tired of beating up perverts."
"Okay but you're beautiful in that outfit." Eijiro said.
After he left, I was still kicking & throwing guys away from me because they believed that I'm a cheerleader.
'So far Eijiro has said that I'm a princess, brutally honest & scary to him but now I'm beautiful? Does he like me as a friend or wants to be in a relationship with me? Nah, he's probably too scared of me.'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now