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After the last class (math)
'Finally, this day is over. Now Eijiro & I have to go meet Fourth at his office. What a minute...where is Mineta looking at?!'
"What?!" Mineta shouted.
"Quit looking at Momo before I rip your f-"
Shoji grabbed & cover my mouth before I could attack the little pervert.
'Great, now i have to write my response again.'
"Hera, don't let Mineta anger you. You were having a good day." Shoji said.
"Hera, calm down. Mineta, don't leer at our classmates." Iida said.
"I was only looking at Momo." Mineta said.
"You were staring at her chest."
"No I wasn't." Mineta said.
"I saw you. Shoji put me down now."
Shoji put me down and I kicked Mineta in the groin really hard.
"Eijiro, I'm ready to go now."
"Okay." Eijiro said.
Izuku's POV
'Are Kirishima & Hera dating?'
"Hey Izuku, what's going on with Kirishima & Hera?" Mina asked.
"I don't really know. Hera likes to keep her secrets to herself."
'Mari said that Kirishima called Hera his girlfriend but Kirishima said that Hera is his best friend. This is so confusing.'
"Go ask Hera, maybe she can answer your questions."
"Oh Yeah, I can just text her. She gave all the girls her number." Mina said.
"She said incase Mineta or Kaminari acts up around us then we tell her what happen and she punishes them." Mina replied.
"She does what?" Iida asked.
"Denki!" Hera yelled.
"I didn't do it!" Kaminari shouted.
"Explain Why The F*** my phone is fired?!" Hera shouted.
'Oh no, Hera loved that phone.'
"Mineta did it." Kaminari replied.
"Shut Up." Mineta said.
"Both of you start talking or else both of your asses will be falling out the f****** window!" Hera yelled.
'This won't end well.'
Apparently Mineta & Kaminari tried to hack into Hera's phone to get the numbers of the girls and accidentally destroyed it. She left the room, came back with a trash can from the cafeteria and put them in it.
"Oh God, it stinks in here!" Mineta yelled.
"Hera, I'm sorry. If you let me out, I'll take you on a date." Kaminari said.
"Both of you stay in there, no one let them out in the next 30 minutes or else. Eijiro, give me your phone so i can call Fourth to tell him what happened." Hera said.
"Hera, calm down. I can get you a new phone." Iida said.
"Can you get me a Five Finger Death Punch case to go with it?" Hera asked.
"You listen to heavy metal?" Jiro asked.
"Yes." Hera replied.
30 minutes later
"Oh thank god, I can breathe again." Kaminari said.
"Hera, Why?" Mineta asked.
"Don't touch my stuff and stop being a f****** creep. Now, Mineta get the f**** out of my sight!" Hera shouted.
She threw Mineta out of the room, kicked Kaminari in the groin, grabbed Kirishima and left the school.
"Ow! Midoriya, your sister is terrible." Kaminari said.
"It's your own fault." Jiro said.
"She's been angry before but this is a bit extreme. Is something wrong with her?" Todoroki asked.
'Now that I think about it, she wasn't her usual happy self this morning. Wait is that time again?'
"Hera will be fine, she just needs to calm down. She'll be better tomorrow."
After that Mari and I walked to the store.
'I hope this is enough chocolate.'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now