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Kirishima's POV
Mari & I were walking to Midoriya & Hera's apartment because our phones showed us the video from last night and we saw that Hera was attacked by a girl with a sword!
'Hera was attacked last night?! I have to call her!'
"Hello?" Hera asked.
"Hera, are you okay?!"
"Eiji, I'm okay." Hera said.
'She called me Eiji?'
"Did she hurt you?"
"No, I didn't get hurt but that bitch cut my hair!" Hera yelled.
"Calm down Hera."
"I'm perfectly calm. I should've taken her sword, could use that as a wall decoration in my room." Hera said.
"Kirishima, is Hera okay?" Mari asked.
"Yes but is angry."
"Are you walking with Mari again?" Hera asked.
"Good Morning Hera. We're coming to pick you and Izuku up." Mari said.
"Oh the both of you are coming to the apartment?" Hera asked.
"Yes. Are you not ready?"
"I have to eat breakfast then walk sparky." Hera replied.
"Take your time." Mari said.
"Alright bye, see you two soon." Hera said.
After the phone call ended, Mari told me to make sure that Hera stays calm in the morning because the last time she had a bad morning, she set her school desk on fire.
'So I need to make sure that Hera doesn't set her desk on fire, that's gonna be hard to do.'
'So far nothing is on fire but Hime looks like that she's about to explode.'
"Okay, can everyone stop asking me questions about last night?!" Hera shouted.
"It was so cool seeing you beat that girl." Mina said.
"It was also dangerous of you." Iida said.
"Tenya, you're the one who went after a serial killer." Izuku said.
"I wasn't going to stand there and watch some psycho girl stabbed someone." Hera said.
"What was that girl's name?" Mineta asked.
"Who the f*** cares? She's in prison now." Hera replied.
"You're really angry today." Todoroki said.
"Shoto, you would be pissed too if someone tried to kill you with a sword but ended up cutting your hair!" Hera yelled.
Ectoplasm-Sensei came in before someone could ask Hera another question.
"Thank god, our teacher's here." Hera said.
"Before we start reviewing for your final. Hera, the principal wants to see you." Ectoplasm-Sensei said.
"What?!" Hera shouted.
"Hera, stay calm. You didn't do anything bad just the principle wants to discuss about the incident from last night." Ectoplasm-Sensei replied.
"Fine, someone has to go over the review with me during lunch. So, everyone start deciding after Ectoplasm is done." Hera said.
"I'm not doing it." Katsuki said.
"Screw you Bakugo." Hera said.
'I better take more notes on the lessons so I can help Hera. She helped me yesterday.'
Lunch Time
​​​​​​​Hera got some food with her afternoon coffee. She hasn't talked about what happen in the principal's office since she came back after math class ended.
"Hera, are you okay?" Iida asked.
"No." Hera replied.
"What did the Principal tell you?"
"2 years ago, the girl in the video was a student at this school in our class." Hera replied.
"What happened?" Izuku asked.
"Aizawa expelled her because she was being a huge bitch to everyone and not following the rules." Hera replied.
"She was a bully who picked on everyone?"
"Yes and now I think she wants revenge on me." Hera replied.
"Why?" Iida asked.
"She related to Chizome Akaguro aka Hero Killer: Stain and I sent her a** to jail last night." Hera replied.
"Pfft....Hera help." Izuku said.
"Bro, did water just come out your nose?" Hera asked.
"Yes." Izuku said.
"That was the same reaction I had when Nezu told me this but it was tea." Hera said.
"Why do you think she after you? And how is she related to Stain?"
"Because Connie said that I'm the bitch who got her uncle arrested. So she tried to cut my head off while I was trying to stop her." Hera said.
"What are you going to do?"
"Nothing, just pray that those two never get out of jail and find me because I'm not fighting a bunch of maniacs with f****** knifes or swords again!" Hera yelled.
'I think I still have that bag of candy from Mari.'
​​​​​​​"Hera, I have a bag of candy in my backpack. I'll give it to you if you can stay calm for the rest of the day."
"Is there chocolates in it?" Hera asked.
"Hera, you shouldn't eat..Ow!" Iida shouted.
"Sorry Iida but chocolate makes her calm down." Izuku said.

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