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3 hours later
"Mom, Izuku. I'm home and I brought a guest." Hera said.
I walked out of the living room, Hera has bubble tea and a puppy.
"Hera, where did you get that puppy?" Mom asked.
"Found him in a box by the trash. Some jerks left him." Hera replied.
"Did you beat anyone?"
"No, the both of them have a super speed quirk so it was impossible to chase after them." Hera replied.
"Are you going to keep him?"
"Yes, he's my dog now. I will train him to guard the house and protect mom." Hera replied.
"Hera, don't you have your work studies soon?" Mom asked.
"Oh well, Endeavor will have to deal with it." Hera replied.
"I thought you liked Endeavor." Mom said.
"No, he may be the 2nd best hero but he's a real jerk. Anyway, AllMight is more cool than him." Hera said.
'Don't brag to AllMight about Hera saying that he's cool.'
"Izuku, don't mention this to anyone." Hera said.
"I'm not."
"Come on Sparky, time for a bath." Hera said.
"Woof." Sparky said.
'Now we have a dog.'
1 hour later
"Izuku, why do you have lots of chocolate?" Hera asked.
"Mari and I stopped at the store on the way home. I thought it would make you happy since you were angry this afternoon."
"Oh well thanks. You may want to freeze the chocolate for later." Hera said.
"Okay, goodnight Hera."
"Woof." Sparky said.
"Goodnight Sparky."
2 days later

"Hera, you can't bring a dog with you

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"Hera, you can't bring a dog with you." Aizawa said.
"I can and I will." Hera said.
"Fine but don't come home crying when it runs away." Aizawa said.
"I don't cry." Hera said.
After that Hera & Sparky left with Todoroki.
'I hope Hera can learn to calm down. She needs a break from worrying about us.'
Hera's POV
2 hours later
After the train ride, we had to walk to the agency.
"Why did you bring a dog with you?" Shoto asked.
"I'm going to train him, Sparky needs to learn to be a guard dog and your father can't do anything about it."
"I'll let you talk to him about that." Shoto said.
"Whatever, I can handle him."
Soon, we made it to the agency and some of the sidekicks had a problem with me bringing Sparky.
"woof." Sparky said.
"Shoto, the next person who criticizes me about bringing Sparky. I'm going to kick their a**."
"Just stay calm." Shoto said.
We met a demon guy and Endeavor at his office. Apparently, Endeavor just wants to train Shoto but the demon guy will be my mentor for the week.
"I thought that I would be working more with my flames."
"No, you have more control with your fire so I don't need to train you but your emotions are a problem." Endeavor said.
"I don't have a problem with my emotions!"
"Hera, you're breathing fire now." Shoto said.
"Fine, I'll work with demon guy but how exactly is he going to help me? Also what's with the mask?"
"Damien." Endeavor said.
'What's he gonna do...... Jesus Christ, his mouth!'

I covered Shoto's eyes because he does not need to see this

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I covered Shoto's eyes because he does not need to see this.
"Hello Hera." Damien said.
"What The Hell?! Are you related to the split mouth woman?!"
'I'm scared now but why aren't my flames responding?'
"I heard of that story. It's unsettling." Shoto said.
"No, I can shape shift into anyone that someone thinks of." Damien explained.
"Okay but who was thinking about the split mouth woman?"
"I was." Endeavor replied.
"Why would you do that?"
"I wanted to see what would happen if you were scared." Endeavor replied.
Shoto and his father left to start training.
"Sparky attack."
"woof." Sparky said.
Sparky was about to bite his leg but Damien changed into Kirishima. Sparky stopped because he recognized Kirishima.
'Why did I think of Ejiro? I saw him 2 days ago.'
"Damien, turn back to normal now."
"Why?" Damien asked.
"That's my best friend and I don't want to hit him."
"Okay but is there another reason?" Damien asked.
"No, there isn't."
'So Endeavor is aware that I can control my flames but I need to control my emotions. Now I see why Damien is gonna be my mentor.'
"Okay, Damien i get the lesson."
"You have to say the other reason." Damien said.
'This is gonna be a long week.'

(Shogo Makishima from Psyhco-Pass will be Damien)

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(Shogo Makishima from Psyhco-Pass will be Damien)

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now