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Hera's POV
'I really hate villains!'
Since I separated from Kirishima & Katsuki, villains have been trying to attack me, I'm tired and have bruises.
"Why can't you just quit it?!"
"We thought you would be an easy target." Thug #2 said.
I kicked him in the balls for saying that because I'm not a damsel in distress!
"Oww My balls!" Thug #2 shouted.
"Now explain why do you guys want to kill All Might?"
"Crazy Bitch, we're not telling you anything!" Thug #3 shouted.
'Did he just call me a Bitch?'

Kirishima's POVBakugo told me he's going to find the warp guy and that I should stay out of his way

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Kirishima's POV
Bakugo told me he's going to find the warp guy and that I should stay out of his way.
'Oh no I do love her. Better go find her in case she needs help.'
'What the hell was that? wait I smell cigarettes.'
I ran towards the screaming and saw Hera putting out her cigarettes in a villain's eye.
"Now tell me what I want to know and I'll stop." Hera said.
"Never!" Thug #3 yelled.
"Oh hey Eijiro. Did you help the others?" Hera asked.
"I ran into most of them except Midoriya, Mineta, Asui and Todoroki. What have you been doing?"
"Beating up villains who thought that I was an easy target and torturing this guy for information." Hera replied.
'She's been what now?'
"That's not very hero like at all."
"Don't care, he called me a Bitch and won't tell me why they want to kill All Might." Hera said.
Hera took out another cigarette from her pocket and started smoking it.
"I thought you quit."
"No, my mentor took them away from me but I found the hiding place." Hera said.
"Get off of me, You're heavy." Thug #3 said.
She punched him in the face.
"Now answer my question." Hera said.
He didn't answer her question but spit out blood in her face.
"Go F-" He didn't finish his sentence because Hera slammed her hand on his mouth.
"Eijiro, grab this guy before I kill him. Also he can read minds." Hera said.
After that we started walking though the zones and Hera was still smoking her cigarette.
'Keep my mind clear of any thoughts about Hera.'
"Hey Flame girl, this guy thinks that you're pretty." Thug #3 said.
'Ah great he reading my thoughts that I keep hidden.'
"Shut Up."
"He also wants to kiss you." Thug #3 said.
'Damnit he won't shut up.'
"Shut Up, stop reading my mind!"
"Eijiro, let's just ignore him." Hera said.

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now