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Hera's POV
An hour later
We made it to a rest stop but it wasn't a rest stop because Aizawa introduced us to a group of heroes called 'Wild, Wild Pussycats'. Now we're in a hole in the middle of the forest but it's a beast forest.
'For the love of all that is holy, I f****** my teacher.'
"Aizawa, as soon as I get out of this f****** hole! I'm gonna kill those f****** Cats!"
"Hera, you can't kill them." Izuku said.
"This is why I hate cats."
"Meow?" Harper asked.
'Harper changed into her cat form.'
"Harper got scared and changed into her cat form." Koda said.
"We need to climb out of here and make it to the cabin before it gets dark."
Hours later
Finally, we made to the cabin.
"You guys are so slow." Pixie-Bob said.
'I hate Pixie-Bob now. First, she puts us in a hole, then made dirt creatures that wouldn't stop attacking us.'
"Can someone flip her off for me?"
"Hera, that's disrespectful." Iida said.
"I'll do it." Harper said.
"Thank you Harper and Tenya, my arms hurt from swinging this battle axe."
Pixie decided to flirt with my brother, Shoto, Bakugo & Tenya.
"Now all of you have to get your stuff from the bus." Aizawa said.
"Aizawa, I hate you man."
"Glad to know, I don't like you." Aizawa said.
"Hera! She doesn't mean that." Iida said.
"Whatever, someone that's not Mineta get my bag."
"I'll do it." Kirishima said.
"Hey girl, you're suppose to walk down to the bus." Tiger said.
'First time seeing a man in a skirt and it's odd.'
"I'm not listening to a man wearing a skirt."
"What?" Tiger asked.
"You heard me."
Tiger & I were about to argue but some kid kicked my brother in the balls.
"What?" The kid asked.
"Apologize to my brother before my foot goes in your a**, That's What!"
"Hera, you can't threaten a kid." Iida said.
"Shut The F*** Up Tenya."
'I'm going to find something to drink.'

Iida's POVAn hour laterAfter we had dinner, we were allowed to relax in the hot springs

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Iida's POV
An hour later
After we had dinner, we were allowed to relax in the hot springs.
'Hera was very mad at the group.'
"Iida, do you think Hera is okay?" Izuku asked.
"She was very quiet during dinner."
"I don't think she's okay." Kirishima said.
"I'm sure that...Mineta, what are you doing?" Sato asked.
'Should I warn Hera?'
​​​​​​​"Mineta, I'm gonna f****** drown you if you climb over the f****** wall!" Hera shouted.
"Ah Hera, I think you had enough sake." Harper said.
"Hera, are you drunk?!"
"Are you still handsome?" Hera asked.
'I hate it when she does that.'
​​​​​​​"Ten, she's just tipsy." Harper said.
"Thank you Harper. Mineta, get down!"
"Kyoka give me the battle axe!" Hera yelled.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Jiro said.
"You're a bit drunk, Hera." Momo said.
"I can still chop Mineta into pieces! Give me the f****** battle axe!" Hera yelled.
"He's still climbing and Hera may kill him." Kirishima said.
Mineta was about to reach the top but Kota & Hera stopped him.
'Thank god, she's covered but her battle axe has blood on it.'
​​​​​​​"My fingers!" Mineta yelled.
"Relax, I just cut your fingertips." Hera said.
'That's still horrible.'
"That's still not better." Kota said.
"Don't care, I've warned him that if I'm pissed off again than I will cause more pain on his body." Hera said.
Kota pushed Mineta back to our side.
"It burns!" Mineta yelled.
"Now behave, you f****** gremlin!" Hera yelled.
Hera & Kota were still guarding the wall but she went back to drinking and was facing the other side.
"He'll need some peroxide and bandages."
"Hey Hera, are you gonna share that sake?" Kaminari asked.
"No, screw you Denki." Hera replied.
"You don't have to mean." Kaminari said.
"Yeah and I don't want to have to kill you or Mineta, everytime the both of you piss me off!" Hera yelled.
"Should we stop her from drinking?"
"No, just leave her. Hera had sake before so she won't feel bad in the morning." Izuku replied.
"When did that happen?" Todoroki asked.
"When she was with you during the internship." Izuku replied.
"Oh, so that's why she hugged me before we had to fight Stain." Todoroki said.
'Hera has stopped smoking because All Might took her cigarettes and gave her gum to chew, now she's drinking sake.'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now