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After my match with Yami, I tried to find Iida but I couldn't.
'Iida where are you? I'm starting to get worried.'
"Hera?" Eijiro asked.
"Yes Eijiro?"
"Nothing, just wanted to see you before I have to fight Bakugo." Eijiro replied.
'He must be worried about fighting Katsuki.'
"You'll be fine."
I was going back to our classmates but he grabbed & hugged me.
"Sorry." Eijiro said.
"What are you apologizing?"
"I couldn't help you against Jeff & he almost drowned you. I thought that I would never see you again." Eijiro replied.
'He's scared that I'll vanish but I'm not going anywhere.'
"Eijiro, you can let go now."
"No, every time you're away from me. Something happens to you." Eijiro said.
"Nothing will happen to me. I'm completely safe."
"Can I get a kiss?" Eijiro asked.
Kirishima's POV
​​"What?" Hera asked.
'Maybe I shouldn't have taken Tetsutetsu's advice.'
"Nevermind, I was kidding."
'I don't want her to throw a fire ball at me.'
I was going to let her go but she kissed me.
'I really hope that I'm not dreaming.'
20 minutes later
'Everything hurts now. Can't believe Bakugo beat me up badly.'
"Katsuki! As soon as I'm done with Shoto! Your A** is next!" Hera yelled.
"HERA, COOL IT WITH THE LANGUAGE!" Present Mic yelled.
"YOU KNOW WHAT MIC?! F*** YOU!" HERA yelled.
Everyone was shocked that she just said that but some of the heroes were laughing because no one has every said that to Present Mic before.
'I would laugh but my body hurts.'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now