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'Okay survived the crazy obstacle race and now have to do a cavalry battle? What the hell is that?'
"So 42 students won and now we have to do a cavalry battle." Izuku said.
"Apparently so but what the hell are we suppose to do?"
Midnight explained the rules after everyone started to question her & made their own ideas of what the next event could be.
'So it's a group of 4, one rider and one horse. We have 30 minutes to get the most points, 15 minutes to make a team and my brother has ten million points. Wait What?!'
"What?!" Izuku & I shouted.
'Okay calm down, I'll join my brother and we'll pick two people who we trust.'
"Izuku, don't worry I'll join your team."
"I love you Hera." Izuku said.
"Love you too but say that next time without crying."
10 minutes later
So far only Uraraka joined our team, one of the support equipment students 'Mei Hatsume' wanted to join us but I told her to find another group.
"I can help you guys with my inventions." Hatsume said.
"Hatsume, I said 'No'. Now get the f-"
Eijiro appeared behind me and covered my mouth.
"Hime, Join our team." Kirishima said.
'Don't punch him in the stomach.'
I grabbed his hand, told him to never do that again because I will destroy him and that I already teamed up with Izuku & Uraraka.
"Hey weird hair, is flame head going to join the team or not?!" Bakugo yelled.
"Bro that's not nice!" Kirishima yelled.
"Bakugo, I'm not joining your team so kiss my a**!"
"What?!" Bakugo shouted.
'Great now he's more pissed.'
After that we asked Tenya to join our team but he was joining Shoto's team.
"Tenya, you're a dick."
"Hera!" Izuku yelled.
Tenya walked away from us after telling us that he will defeat Izuku and that I shouldn't insult my fellow president.
'Fellow president my a**.'
"What? He is being a dick. He wants to hurt you in this stupid cavalry battle."
"Okay I see your point but still he's our friend." Izuku said.
Tokoyami decided to join our team.
"Izuku, you'll be the horse. I'll be the rider while Uraraka & Yami help with offense & defense. Anyone have a problem with the plan?"
"Who is going to hold on to the headbands?" Uraraka asked.
"I will. If anyone trys to steal them, I'll punched or kicked them in the face."
"What if you fall?" Tokoyami asked.
"I can turn my flames into wings and fly back to you guys or stay in the air for about 10 minutes."
"Everyone get ready with your teams!" Midnight shouted.
'We'll win this.'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now