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Ten Months Later
'Spend the last ten months with my bro & a Super hero fixing up this beach.'

All Might explained to me that my flames react more to my emotions

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All Might explained to me that my flames react more to my emotions. If I'm angry, I can burn anything or anyone to ashes (I almost set Yagi on fire when he made me mad), I can also cauterize injuries in order to stop them from bleeding (A sharp object cut me while I was helping Izuku move the garbage and I stopped the bleeding but I needed antibiotic ointment for my burn scar).
"Are you two ready for the exam?" Yagi asked.
"Yes/ Yes sir!" Izuku & I replied.
Yagi told Izuku to eat a piece of his hair because that's how he got his power from his previous master.
"That was gross man."
"Hey!" Yagi shouted.
"Come on little bro, we have to go."
"Hera, are you going to be able to take the exam in that outfit?" Izuku asked.
"I can't wear a tracksuit because I'll overheat."
2 hours later
'So all we have to do is take down as many robots as we can but we need to be caution about the zero pointer robot. I really wish these people would shut up about my brother.'
"Hera, are you okay?" Mari asked.
'Mari is the only one that keeps me sane besides my mom & brother.'
"I'm okay. Mari look after Izuku for me."
"Why?" Mari asked.
"This exam is going to be difficult for some of the other students. I have to help them before the robots hurt them badly."
"START!" Present Mic Yelled.
'I'll never understand why Mic has to yell.'
I started to ran into the fake city, taking down fake villains and helping other teens who were in danger of getting crushed.
'This is easy. Wait a minute that boy is about to be crushed by zero pointer!'

 Wait a minute that boy is about to be crushed by zero pointer!'

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I grabbed the boy and started to run.
"Are you okay?!"
"I think my arm is broken and my leg hurts." The boy replied.
"Okay, you need medical attention before it gets worse."
"Aren't you going to destroy that robot?" The boy asked.
"Hell No! Mic said to be caution about those types. I can't destroy it without burning a hole through it and I don't have enough stamina for that."
"You seem to have enough stamina to carry me and run away." The boy said.

"Would you rather I let you get crush by a giant robot while I get extra points or Get The Hell Out Of Here?!""Let's get to the safe point

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"Would you rather I let you get crush by a giant robot while I get extra points or Get The Hell Out Of Here?!"
"Let's get to the safe point. My name is Eijiro Kirishima." The boy replied.
"Safe point it is. My name is Hera Midoriya."
1 hour later
The exam is over, Izuku saved a girl from getting hurt and also destroyed the zero pointer. Recovery Girl was able to heal anyone who was hurt badly. Now we have to wait for our acceptance letters.
'I'm so tired, what taking Mari & Izuku so long? I can't smoke because Yagi threw away my cigarettes. Maybe I could get some gum.'
"Hera!" Someone shouted.
I turn around and saw Kirishima.
"Kirishima, how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay. My arm and leg don't hurt anymore." Kirishima replied.
"That's good. Did you need something?"
He was starting to blush and asked for my phone number so we could hang out tomorrow.
"Okay?" Kirishima asked.
"Yeah I'll hang out with you tomorrow."

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now