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Hera's POV
'Okay, I beat Jeff's a**. Now I can rest.'
I was going back to the infirmary but All Might saw me.
"Hera, good work!" Yagi yelled.
"Yagi, you don't have to yell."
"Sorry but I'm proud of you." Yagi said.
"Thanks, at first I thought Jeff was trying to kill me."
He was about to say something but Endeavor appeared.
"Dude, where in the hell...?"
"Ah Hera, I think you friend Kirishima's rematch is starting." Yagi said.
"Oh your right."
"Wasted Potential." Endeavor said.
'What the f*** did he say?'
"What The F*** Did You Say To Me?!"
"Hera!" Yagi yelled.
"You're not using your quirk right." Endeavor said.
"I'm sorry but can you use your f****** flames to make wings?!"
I activated my flame wings, flew into his face and kicked him in the face.
"Hera." Yagi said.
"Can You Do That, You Son Of A Bitch?!"
'I need a smoke & a drink. Crap I have to wait until I'm 20 to drink at a bar.'
All Might's POV
Hera was extremely mad at Endeavor.

"Can You Do That, You Son Of A Bitch?!" Hera shouted

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"Can You Do That, You Son Of A Bitch?!" Hera shouted.
'Okay never tell Hera that she is weak or else she'll attack.'
After that she left to go back to the infirmary, Endeavor was shocked that Hera did that and now he has a bruised cheek.
"You may need some ice."
"Shut Up, didn't think that girl would hit me." Endeavor said.
"Hera is a good student but if anyone makes her angry, she'll attack them back."
'I hope she doesn't hurt one of the pro heros in the future for making her angry.'
Hera's POV
20 minutes later
Kirishima & Tetsutetsu had their rematch, Kirishima won but now he has to fight Bakugo and I have to fight Yami. Izuku & Shoto had their match but Izuku broke his body again. Shoto accepted that his flames are his powers.
'Stupid old man, I'll show him that I'm not weak! Where's Iida?'
"Has anyone seen Iida?"
"He was talking on his cellphone." Mari replied.
"Oh, he's probably talking to his family."

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