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Hera's POV
A week later (Written exam over but 1 hour before the practical exam)
'I need a cigarette but Yagi made me promise to try to quit smoking. Guess I have to wait until I'm an adult.'
"Mineta, if I see you leering at the girls again then I'm going to choke you."
"What? Why?" Mineta asked.
"Because you deserve it and make me sick to my stomach."
"Thank you Hera." Mina said.
"Hera, do you think we'll have to fight All Might?" Izuku asked.
"If it does happen start praying for a miracle."
"Hera, are you okay?" Iida asked.
"I'm fine."
"You threaten to choke Mineta instead of actually doing it." Iida said.
"I'm too tired to hurt him, need a cigarette or more coffee."
"We have time for coffee before the practical starts." Iida said.
Iida & I got coffee from the vending machine.
"Tenya, how's Tensei?"
"He's doing fine just making the best of it. How did you & my brother become friends?" Iida asked.
"A year ago, I met the both of you at the mall."
"Yes I remember, you were looking for hair dye." Iida said.
"He told me that red would be a good color for me."
"I didn't recognize you at first." Iida said.
"I remembered you. You have the same handsome face as your brother."
Iida's POV
"Never tell anyone I said that." Hera said.
​​​​​​​'She thinks I'm handsome?!'
​​​​​​​1 hour later
​​​​​​​"I told you so!" Hera yelled.
"Okay, you were right." Kaminari said.
"Damn right I was!" Hera yelled.
"What do we do?" Mina asked.
'Now we have to fight our teachers but how will this work?'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now