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Kirishima's POV
'That was dangerous but exciting.'
"Did you hear about what Hera did to those villains?" Kaminari asked.
"Yeah, she beat their a**** and burn them with cigarettes." Bakugo replied.
"Bakugo how long have you known Hera? Has she always been so violent?" Iida asked.
"Childhood, she wasn't always like this. I guess when Deku was told that he wasn't getting a quirk then she became his bodyguard." Bakugo replied.
'Hera can get violent sometimes but she cares about her friends and family.'
"Hey, I can hear you guys talking about me!" Hera yelled.
"We were just saying that you're pretty!" Mineta shouted.
'I hope she doesn't hit us.'
"Mineta, shut up!" Sero shouted.
"Quit talking about me before I go in there and start kicking all of your a****!" Hera yelled.
'She wouldn't be bold enough to go into the boys locker room.'
"Hera, you can't go in here!" Iida yelled.
"Iida, maybe you shouldn't challenge Hera. She will do something worst to you."
"What could be worst?" Iida asked.
"Ah Iida." Ojiro said.
'And she's behind him.'
"This could be worst." Hera replied.
She gave him & Mineta wedgies.
"What did we do?" Mineta & Iida asked.
"Talking about me behind my back. Iida, if you want to know more about my personality than ask me. Do not judge me for my violent outbursts or smoking habits. Mineta, don't lie to me or even talk about me in the locker room because I will rip out your tongue and make you eat it." Hera replied.
"Okay, we won't talk about you behind your back. Right Mineta?" Iida asked.
"Yes we understand, please let go of my underwear. This is starting to hurt." Mineta replied.
After that she let them go, warned everyone to keep their mouths shut about what happen or else and walked outside.
"My a** hurts now. Kirishima, how can you love that girl?" Mineta asked.
'I hope Hera didn't hear him'
"Mineta, do I need to go back in there and make you drink from the toilet again?!" Hera yelled.
"She made you drink toilet water?" Tokoyami asked.
"No! I was just asking Kirishima about something." Mineta replied.
30 minutes later
Everyone was told to go home and that school is cancel for the next 2 days. Hera & Midoriya were waiting outside.
"Hera, did you really burn villains with your cigarettes?" Izuku asked.
"Yes, I wish people would stop asking me. I burn them with my cigarettes because they deserved it for trying to kill us and our teachers." Hera replied.
"Hera, Midoriya do you want to go to the cafe?"
"Yes." Hera replied.
"Actually, I'm waiting for Iida & Uraraka." Midoriya said.
"Okay, text me when you get home. Also tell mom that I'm with Eijiro." Hera said.
We started walking to the cafe.
"Eijiro, are you going to show me that letter from earlier?" Hera asked.
"Yes, here."
Hera looked at the paper and was surprised.
"Eijiro, what is this?" Hera asked.

"Eijiro, what is this?" Hera asked

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'That's my drawing of Hera!'

Hera Midoriya Where stories live. Discover now