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The Next Day
'Hera, are you okay?!' - Kirishima.
'Eijiro, calm down. I'm okay just bruised.'
'I saw the news that Todoroki, Iida and Izuku were fighting Stain.' - Kirishima.
'I was flying around the area saving people from the nomus, Stain threw a knife at me and I started falling from the sky.'
'You were stabbed?!' - Kirishima.
'Also, he licked me.'
'He did what?!' - Kirishima.
'I know it was f****** gross. Thank god, Sparky peed on him.'
'Really he did?' - Kirishima.
'Yes and you should get back to work with fourth.'
'Fine but are you sure that you're okay? I mean you did fight a serial killer.' - Kirishima.
'Listen my back hurts from falling from the sky, my side hurts from getting stabbed and I want to take a hot bath in order to get Stain's germs off of me! Who knows how many people he's licked?'
'Now I need to go scold my friends for being idiots.'
Kirishima's POV
'Listen my back hurts from falling from the sky, my side hurts from getting stabbed and I want to take a hot bath in order to get Stain's germs off of me! Who knows how many people he's licked?' - Hera.
'Hera said that she's okay but I'm still worried. Maybe I should call her.'
"What?!" Hera yelled.
"Ah Hera, it's Eijiro."
"For The Love Of God..Eijiro, I said that I'm okay." Hera said.
"I know but.."
"Is that Kirishima?" Izuku asked.
"Mind your f****** business!" Hera yelled.
"Hera, you shouldn't curse at the hospital. There are children here." Iida said.
"Shut The F*** Up man, I'm still gonna put my foot in your a**!" Hera yelled.
'Hera sounds really piss.'
"Hera, maybe you should continue talking to Kirishima." Todoroki said.
"What do you want, Eijiro?" Hera asked.
"Hera, you should response more kind..Ow my testicles!" Iida yelled.
"Pfft, Hera don't turn our class president into a girl."
"Oh, Haha. It's his fault that Izuku and Todoroki had to save his a** from someone who calls themselves 'Hero Killer'." Hera said.
"I bet if Izuku was a victim of Stain, you would do someone reckless. So don't be so hard on Iida."
"Fine but I already kicked him multiple times and broke his glasses." Hera said.
'Of course she did. Fourth's calling me.'
"I have to go now, Fourth is calling me."
"Okay bye, love you." Hera said.
'Hera just said that she loves me. How do I deal with this?'
​​​​​​​"Were you talking to Hera?" Fourth Kind asked.
"Yeah, she said that everything is fine but she's really mad at Iida."
​​​​​​​'I need to talk to Tetsutetsu.'
Hera's POV
'Why did I tell him that?'
I walked back into the hospital room, Iida was on the ground and Shoto was sitting on the bed.
"Shoto, where's Izuku?"
"He's hiding in the bathroom." Shoto replied.
"After you left to finish talking to Kirishima, he just hide in the bathroom because you kicked Iida in his groin." Shoto replied.
The heros and police officer came in to lecture the boys on their actions.
"Where's Midoriya?" Gran Torino asked.
"Hold on, I'll get him."
I tried to open the bathroom door but it was locked.
"Izuku, I know your in there."
Izuku's POV
​​​​​​​'Just sit quietly in the tub and don't speak.'
​​​​​​​"Izuku, I know your in there." Hera said.
Hera tried to open the door but I locked it.
'Hera is tougher than me but she can't be that strong to punch a hole in the door. Right?'
​​​​​​​"Alright then, someone make me mad." Hera said.
"I'm not saying anything." Iida said.
"No, I respect you too much." Todoroki said.
"That's nice of you, Shoto." Hera said.
'I can open the door now since she's not mad.'
​​​​​​​"Girly, you're ugly." Gran Torino said.
'Damn it Gran Torino!'
​​​​​​​"What The F*** Did You Just Say Oldman?!" Hera yelled.
"You're ugly. Wait what are you doing?" Gran Torino asked.
I was going to unlock the door but something was thrown into the door and it broke off the hinges.
"Got Something Else To Say Oldman?!" Hera yelled.
"No, ah Midoriya help me up." Gran Torino replied.
'Hera threw my mentor into the door?!'
​​​​​​​"I'm so sorry Gran Torino. My sister is very protective of me."
"She's your sister? I thought she was your girlfriend." Gran Torino said.
"Both of you get out the damn bathroom." Hera said.
"Yes ma'am." Gran Torino & I said.
'This has been a crazy week.'

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