Chapter 11: What was that?

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"Well um...I.... Gosh this is hard!" Tino said in a frustrated tone, running a hand through his blonde hair worriedly.

Confessions were always hard, for anyone in their right mind anyway. This was no different for the little Finnish nation.

"Anyway... we've been friends for a long time... and I realised something. We don't exactly act like normal friends... ya know? We kind of act more like a couple..." Tino continued, trailing off slightly.

"Well, what i'm trying to say is... I love you, okay? Not as a friend... but romantically." He finally spit out, blushing madly.

Berwald could hardly believe what he was hearing. 'Tino feels the same way?' He thought incredulously, his facial expression not revealing his inner emotions.

Tino waited for an answer, scooting away from his friend as he did so. He was scared that Berwald was going to reject him, or that their friendship was going to be destroyed, or both!

After a long silence, the Swedish nation finally sorted out his thoughts. "Tino. Come here." He stated in his usual tone of voice, not showing any emotion.

The smaller nation went back over nervously, his cheeks darkening to a deep red shade. "Wh-what, Su-san?" He asked shakily, nervous about the answer and how close they were to one another.

Berwald didn't say anything, but instead snaked his arms around Tino's waist and pulled him closer. The smaller nation was about to say something, when he was silenced by a pair of gentle lips on his own.

The little blonde was suprised by the sudden action, but kissed back with all the pent up emotions he had been keeping inside for so long.

And in that moment, it was as though time stood still just for the two of them. Nothing else mattered then, but the kiss that they shared...

But all good things must come to an end, and that end came for the pair in the form of a noise outside. They broke apart, looking in the direction the noise had come from. Though there was a tent wall in the way, they could see a dark shadow moving about nearby.

"What... is that?" Tino whispered fearfully, clinging onto Berwald. The taller nation responded by holding his lover tightly and simply watching the shape.

It appeared to be in the shape of a person... which confused the Swede. 'It definitely can't be the thing Tino saw.' He thought, trying to put the pieces together in his head.

'The person is alone, so it can't be one of the others... Lukas would have forced them all to stay together.' Berwald continued thinking.

"Sh-should we go investigate?" Tino asked, coming to the same conclusion as the other nation. He put on a determined face, and glared at the figure outside.

"Come on, Su-san! Let's check it out!" He finally stated, standing up and grabbing Berwald's hand. The taller nation stood up as well, and they went over to unzip the tent flap.

Once they had gotten the tent unzipped, they peeked outside... to find nothing. No one was there... and it was eerily quiet.

Tino was tempted to stomp out there and check it out some more, but Berwald pulled him back inside and re-zipped the tent. "That's enough for right now." He said calmly, holding onto the little Finn.

Tino crossed his arms, and growled slightly. "That asshat out there interrupted us!" He spit angrily. Then, as if remembering the gravity of the situation, he calmed down. "I'm going back out to search." He said in a more natural tone, eyes full of silent determination.

Berwald knew that it was useless to try and stop the little Fin, so he walked back over to the tent flap and unzipped it again. "Okay, but i'm going with." He stated, stepping outside of the cozy interior. Tino followed behind quickly, closing the tent up behind them.

It was starting to get cold outside, and the sky was slowly transitioning from light to dark. The product of the sun sinking below the horizon was written all across the clouds. They were tinted brilliant shades of orange, pink, and red. It was the kind of sunset that one would picture in a fairytale.

As the pair stepped outside, they were left speechless at the picturesque sight. If only the moment could last forever.

Directly after they silently admired the sky, Berwald and Tino got down to business finding clues.

The intruder was definitely thorough in hiding its tracks, but Tino's sharp eyes caught sight of a part of a footprint leading down a trail. "Su-san! It went this way!" He yelped excitedly.

Berwald walked over, and grabbed the smaller nation's hand. "You sure about this?" He asked cautiously, glancing at the darkening forest.

"Yes! We absolutely MUST find Peter!" Tino replied, leaning on tiptoe to plant a small kiss on the Swedish nation's cheek. "Thank you for going with me." He continued with a tiny blush, starting to pull the taller blonde down the trail.

Berwald hoped that the others wouldn't get worried about them. They should probably get back to camp any time, and it felt careless to not leave a note or something for them.

"Wait, should we leave a note?" The Swede voiced what he had been thinking aloud, stopping abruptly.

"We won't be gone long, now come on!" Tino told his worrisome lover, and kept on marching down the dark pathway.

'I have a bad feeling about this...' Berwald thought as the camp went out of sight, and they were swallowed up by the twilit woods.

(I'm sorry there was no Dennor in this chapter, I promise i'll make it happen soon! But anyway... the Sufin happened, and they finally confessed their love! SEEYA LATER! ~author)

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