Danger? Make it double.

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(trigger warnings for this chapter: violence, bloodiness, so yeaaaah)

"Let him go. I'll cooperate, I promise. Just please let Peter go." Tino begged, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't stand to see Peter so weak... injured and crying in front of him. At least by giving himself up willingly, maybe the child would be spared.

There was a sadistic laugh. "I guess that can be arranged~" Berwald's 2p Bernard said in an amused tone. He walked over to Peter's look alike, Paul and whispered something in his ear. Then he turned back to Tino, as Peter was taken out of the room.

"I-If he gets hurt, I'll kill you! I SWEAR! I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING!" Tino screamed, violently throwing himself at Bernard. He raised his fists and attacked as hard as he could... but he had been kept locked up for days, and it had worn on him.

The red-eyed man chuckled lightly, and grabbed ahold of Tino's wrists. "He'll get returned. I promise, dear." He responded casually. It kind of creeped Tino out how weird the guy was... well, it made sense, since Berwald and Bernard were opposites.

Just then, the door swung open again, and there stood Mathias' 2p Markell. Tino looked on in horror, as the other 2p came over to him and Bernard.

Having one 2p there was enough, but two? The little Finn was terrified, and wished that he could curl up in Berwald's arms. But safety and warmth were as far away as the stars it seemed, as the two 2ps looked down at him.

"So much for sharing, Bernard." Markell commented in a deep voice, glaring at the other 2p. They both did a silent stare-down for a few minutes, before Markell left the room in a huff.

Tino was confused, but didn't really think much of it. He was too busy being worried about his family. 'I hope that they're okay!' The little nation thought, tears still in his eyes.

"Aww, don't cry darling~" Bernard said in a creepy voice, pulling Tino closer to him. The Finn wanted to resist, but knew that in doing so, it would get Peter hurt. He stood still, mentally screaming as the 2p pushed him up against a wall. 'please don't please don't please don't.' He thought, closing his eyes in a grimace.

He felt a sharp pain on his cheek, and his eyes shot open to stare at the blade in Bernard's hand. The 2p left a long cut running down Tino's face to his neck, and smiled when he was done.

"You look so cute in red, love." The crazy dude commented, and Tino realised with shock, that the 2p had begun licking the blood from his face. 'creepy-ass sadist! I wish Ber would come and save me!' He thought, wanting to flinch away from the anything-but-gentle touch.

The 2p felt him tense up, and his smile grew wider. "Are you scared?" He asked, same eerie grin plastered across his features like the cheshire cat.

"N-No!" Tino proclaimed, knitting his brows together in determination. He wasn't going to give in, this was just the beginning. Did he need someone to rescue him? That would be nice, but for then, he could be his own prince in shining armor.

Berwald had had a hard time in the dark house. He had accidentally bumped into Emil, and lost his glasses... but to make matters worse, he had no clue where Lukas and Mathias were.

"Ber. Do you hear the others at all?" Emil questioned, sounding concerned. It had been about an hour since they had gone in the house, and gotten split up from the group, and the Icelandic nation was worried. He felt someone touch his arm in the darkness, and shrieked.

"Just me." Berwald responded, staying near his friend. He wanted desperately to find Tino, but protecting Emil was important too. Lukas would never forgive him if something bad happened to his little brother.

Emil let out a sigh of relief, and stood near Berwald. There seemed like no solution to the immense problem that lay before him, and he started to mentally panic. The deeps depths of the house called out to him with mysteries of the unknown.

Berwald noticed how still his companion had become, and got a bit worried. "You okay?" He asked the Icelander, turning towards him. The Swedish nation couldn't see a thing, what with his glasses missing and all the darkness. This made it hard to pinpoint exactly what was happening around him... so he just used hearing to figure stuff out.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the end of in the dim hallway the two had ben going down. Emil quickly noticed it, and glared over with spite in his eyes. "If it's another one of you creeps, just leave us alone!" He called out to the mass that seemed to be neither shadow nor form.

There was a low laugh, and the person sprinted down the hall at a rapid pace, knocking Emil down in the process. (A/N: Foxy no!) The Icelandic nation screamed, and hit his head hard on the wall... knocking him out. The monster moved around Emil, and tackled Berwald, hovering over him with a long knife in it's hand.

"Wh-" Berwald started speaking, but was cut off by a hand covering his mouth.

"I was instructed to capture you." A voice stated seriously, eyes burning red with malicious intent. "But they never said I couldn't have a little fun first..." It trailed off, looking Berwald up and down. The person removed the hand from Berwald's mouth, and cupped his face in both hands.

"Who are you?" The Swede asked in a growl, not able to see anything but the creepy glow of the dude's eyes.

There was another laugh, and Berwald struggled to get away. It took a moment for the guy to respond, since he was busy checking out the Swedish nation's attractive face.

"Well, I guess you could say that i'm the dark side of your stupid boyfriend."
(BOMBOMBOOOOM! What's gonna happen next? Oh just wait~
Anyway, here are some things I want to adress...

1) I love my commenters! You guys are awesome, and make my day!

2) All of you are awesome in general...

3) I'm nearly at 5k reads! Omggg! Ily guys!

4) I am going to be making some new stories pretty soon, so check them out when I release them... plzzzz

5) This is a writing style thingy... but do u guys get annoyed when I start getting detailed with the scenery? I like describing scenery... a lot.

6) You may have noticed that I don't add Berwald's accent into the text. I'm sure you all get tired of not being able to understand what he's saying... so I made it easier for you and I by excluding the confusion.

7) I hope I made the 2ps satisfactory! I've never really delved much into the 2p side of the Nordics until now. Sooo please, cut me a bit of slack! My goal is to make them as creepy as possible

8) I really like doing the writing for Bernard, 2p sweden. I just like making him the polar opposite of Berwald:3 Ohhh the things I find fun.

9) Thank you all for readingggg!


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